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Why are do people judge based on race?

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posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:43 AM
I know i'm going to get a load of racist (of course you don't think of yourself as racist though, do you?) people sending stupid comments but i wont get mad, as in my experience if their stupid enough to judge people due to the colour of they're skin or what patch of turf you were born on then they're not going to be smart enough to admit that they are wrong.

anyhoo, i just wanted to know why? why do people dislike people of certain desent or religion. some times it's beause small minded people have a bad experiance with some-one of one race and assume the rest are like that; and sometimes it's coz theres a war on( which is just stupid btw) which is happening now, with all the americans and the english chavs(american people you proberly havn't heard time term, it means like scummy people) thinking that the Iraqi's, and the pakistanii's for some reason, are all terrorists and deserve to die.

But just in general, why do people think like this
it's wierd..
oh and btw, i challenge any racists to come up with a smart, reasoned and logical answer

oh and no grammar bullies plz, it's just sad and shows that you probably are flawed in some way and take it out on others by pointing out their flaws

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 10:50 AM
I live in a city. I'm not a rich man so I live in a relatively poor part of the city. I'm white, kids are white.

Kids go to school predominately black. They ask me why do black kids act like animals. I say that's wrong. Some kids are just badly behaved it's not because they're black.

Kids ask why are all the black people passing out drunk in the street, stabbing shooting robbing their neighbors. Why are black people always shouting and yelling in the street at all hours of the day. They ask why do black people shout at them and chase them and throw things at them.

There are only so many times I can explain to the kids that this has nothing to do with the color of their skin and somewhere in some trailer park in Alabama there are a bunch of white people doing the same thing.

They don't see the white people behaving this way. All the white people they see are associated with a popular university in town. All the trash people they see happen to be black.

So what do the kids learn despite my teaching the contrary?


Maybe the city should truck in some white trash for diversity's sake.

I need to add that I don't believe they behave baldy because of poverty. My family has little money and and perfectly civilized. I in no way wish to imply that some socialized wealth redistribution nonsense will help these people behave properly. The only thing such a policy would do is hand over free money to a circus of idiots.

[edit on 17-1-2008 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by open mind

America is a RACIST culture. Always has been, looks like it always will be.

Republicans thrive on racism. Nixon's anti-busing. Reagan's welfare Cadillac. Bush Sr's Willie Horton. Bush Jr never misses an opportunity to bash blacks. Or Muslims.

NC's Jesse Helm beat Mayor Gant 2 times with anti Affirmative action ads. 2006 Senator Corker of TN beat Congressman Harold Ford on a Playboy picture showing him with white girls at Hugh Hefner's. Republicans LOVE racist ads. Only Gerald Ford has not played the GOP Race Card.

Does that answer your question?

[edit on 1/17/2008 by donwhite]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:29 PM
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.

The current Secretary of State is black.

Bill Clinton reformed welfare.

It was Democrats who strongly opposed integration for decades.

Your assertion that the Republican party has always been racist has no merit.

Any assertion that the party is racist today has no merit.

The economic principles of the Republican party might not appeal to a large segment if the black population, but neither does it appeal to many members of other races.

In fact, it is my observation that the Republican party stands against racial preferences across the board. That doesn't sound racist to me.

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 01:57 PM

posted by GradyPhilpott
Abraham Lincoln was a Republican.

One Hundred Forty-seven years ago. Is that called a “stretch?”

The current Secretary of State is black.

Since she is half the S of S Colin Powell was, I’d say that’s a half point.

Bill Clinton reformed welfare.

I’m not sure if that one needs a response in the context of this post.

It was Democrats who strongly opposed integration for decades.

Yes. But why not mention the more relevant fact that it was Richard Nixon and his Southern Strategy and GOP code words - against busing - that began the party reversal in 1968?

Then it was oversighted that Ronald Reagan himself famous for the Welfare Cadillac story - pure racism and anti-welfare - who finally cleaned out the Southern Democrats, converted them into Republicans and the Boll Weevils moved across the aisle to a new home in the GOP. Reagan’s move culminated in the 1994 GOP sweep of the South under Newt Gingrich, Tom DeLay, Bob Barr and other such luminaries.

Your assertion that the Republican party has always been racist has no merit.

OK, correct that to read, “since 1968" then.

Any assertion that the party is racist today has no merit.

Au contraire! It’s the only racist party. School busing. Welfare Cadillac. Willie Horton. Jesse Helms. Affirmative action. Bob Corker. And Clarence Thomas is a GOP slap in the face of American blacks.

In fact, it is my observation that the Republican party stands against racial preferences across the board. That doesn't sound racist to me.

It is though. IMO.

[edit on 1/17/2008 by donwhite]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by donwhite

I don't get it. You're saying black people by virtue of being black need affirmative action and welfare? So, because they're black they aren't capable of even the most basic level of success? Well, I know more than a few white people who seem incapable of success. Perhaps they need affirmative action and welfare too? Maybe affirmative action shouldn't read "give black people 1st pick regardless of their credentials" but "give incapable people 1st pick over capable ones?"

And I'll tell you right now the "welfare Cadillac" things is by no means a myth. I live in neighborhood filled with luxury vehicles with all sorts of add-ons like giant shiny rims, various weird lights and speakers that rival the most uppity yuppies home theater and not a damn one of them has a job. Granted they might be living off of their successful fathers trust fund but I highly doubt it.

You're just going way off track to assault a party you don't agree with. S eems pretty naive and childish.

BTW, how exactly is affirmative action, which discriminates based on race, not racist?

[edit on 17-1-2008 by thisguyrighthere]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by donwhite

It would be nice if you could respond to a post without parsing or excessive quoting.

The reference to welfare Cadillacs was a reference to welfare fraud, a phenomenon that I have witnessed ad nauseum. I've even had discussions with those who flagrantly abuse the system.

Reagan may have talked about welfare abuse, but Clinton, a Democrat, made welfare reform a plank in his platform and pushed it through Congress.

If being against welfare fraud is racist, then Clinton is no less racist than Reagan and probably more.

Condoleeza Rice is black regardless of your opinion of her competence or the race or competence of any former Secretary of State.

And racial equality under the law is a racist position?

With thinking like that, well, you could work for the New York Times, which is where I think you got most of your material for this thread.

[edit on 2008/1/17 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Jan, 17 2008 @ 09:22 PM
G/P, I’m reading a book entitled “Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism,” by James W. Loewen. He explains how “sundown” towns were 90% in the North and West. He labels the half century 1890-1940 as the nadir of blacks in America. It appears opposition to affirmative action is either ill-informed or not of good will. I think I got some of thisguyrighthere comments mixed in with yours, G/P. Sorry about that.

White or black, we do need to be more attuned to helping people get a leg up. A man (or woman) with a family of 4 making $45 K cannot save anything. I know a lot of people who are talented but cannot accumulate enough capital to try it on their own.

Still, it is much better in America to be born white than it is to be born black. Even Colin Powell has said that. He also admitted that he “made it” because he was helped by affirmative action. Colin Powell is in a major league player to Condo Rice who is a minor league player. Colin was used poorly by Bush43.

Ronald Reagan admitted the welfare Cadillac story was made up. Republicans loved it so much he told it at almost every money raising dinner. I am not off track when I accuse the Republicans of anti-black policies since Dwight Eisenhower with the exception of Gerald Ford. No one has refuted a single example I have cited. Instead, the examples are ignored as if the GOPs are in denial. And that’s not in Egypt.

I am neither naive nor childish. If a person cannot understand what “catching up” implies, then no one would listen to me explain the rationale of affirmative action. Which I think is still legal.

posted by GradyPhilpott. It would be nice if you could respond to a post without parsing or excessive quoting.

I’ll try.

Welfare fraud? How about Halliburton fraud? There is so much fraud in the US that we really ought to take it seriously. But 90% of the dollars stolen from the US Treasury are by Jack Abramoff types, Butch Cunningham types and the people who bribed him. By the bye, Bush43 fired the young San Diego US Attorney who was about to bring those rascals to justice. Hey, he protects his own. And himself in the Scooter Libby case commutation. Wow! That was equal to his father's pardoning of Casper Weinberg. Both Bush Sr and Bush Jr would be sharing jail cells now but for the power of pardon.

All the food stamp cheats in America would not equal one month’s stealing by the Big Boys. Yet devout Republicans are content to denounce some poor slob for stealing 50 bucks worth of food stamps. Hah! I think Jesus labeled them as Pharisees.

I have nothing to add about Bill Clinton. He's OK in my book. It’s pretty clear that Condo Rice is in way over her head. She was no better at the NSC job. But Bush43 does not want INFORMED advice, he wants approval of his ideologically driven and religious based decisions. He says after all he talks to God and has implied that GOD answers him back. That’s all. For that job, she’ll do just fine.

Southern whites in particular fought racial equality tooth and nail, resisting from 1954 to the mid 1960s, then when the Courts finally declared that to be the law of the law, they now want to embrace equality knowing full well the blacks are starting with 2 strikes against them. Those who harp on racial equality today are usually just being disingenuous! IMO.

[edit on 1/17/2008 by donwhite]

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 07:26 PM
While I don't dislike white people as a whole (would be hard to disavow an entire half of the family tree, after all...) what gets under my skin is the sense of white entitlement I see so often. it just seems to me that whenever someone "just doesn't get it" that someone is white.

"Why should anyone be upset over what happened X amount of time ago?!" is a real easy position for the inheritors of the victors to take. It just makes me pull my hair to so often see people who, under no circumstances, can fathom the impact that 400 years of slavery followed by another century of non-rights can have on a population, both culturally and economically.

Question here. Has anyone here ever seen a sane person talk about how the Jews should "just get over the Holocaust - it was what, sixty years ago!"? Sure you have your David Duke types but I mean just your average sort of person? Nah. But I hear it all the time with regards to Indians.

"Gosh, an entire continent full of your race was nearly wiped out by war and disease our ancestors brought, who then walled you off into ghettos and stole your children and beat your culture out of them. But that was years ago, let's move on!"

Notably, I don't think I've ever heard this from a black guy, or an Asian woman, nah, it always comes from a white person. On occasion another indian will go for the "just get over it" line, but without the pretension that everything is just dandy now.

But, honestly? I don't think it originates with race. I think it's simple selfishness. For the majority of the people, the world revolves around them, exclusively. It's very difficult to perceive that people somewhere might not be as privileged as you may be - even if you're not privileged. Nothing beats all like hearing a homeless guy talk about how the people in Africa's Sahel "just need to help themselves and stop relying on handouts." I see it all the time here in ATS and numerous other forums - people just can't empathize with the thought that someone, somewhere, for some reason, might not have every opportunity that you might, or that they might face different sorts of problems than you do.

Ironically at least some of this stems from the modern emergence of "everyone's the same" approaches to cultures, races, and religions. It's an extremely stupid way to portray the very good idea that hey, we're all humans and deserving of equal respect. But the fact is, we're not all the same, and "deserving" most certainly doesn't equal "getting"

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by The Walking Fox

I don't dislike white people as a whole what gets under my skin is the sense of white entitlement I see so often. it just seems to me that whenever someone "just doesn't get it" that someone is white. It just makes me pull my hair to so often see people who under no circumstances can fathom the impact that 400 years of slavery followed by another century of non-rights can have on a population, both culturally and economically.

Networking. One of the most useful practices by insiders to keep outsiders OUT. Every small town in America has its exclusive country club often associated with a fishing lake or a golf course or both. The business of the community - including political - is decided on lazy Sunday afternoons by the local Movers and Shakers sipping Old Fashions. Even if the county is legally dry. Perhaps that Yale U. fraternity is the best known networking alliance. The Skull and Bones Rich Boy’s Club. No conspiracy, just a bunch of rich white guys - old wealth scions - getting drunk in private. And like the Duke U. guys, probably bringing in some girls from time to time.

Question. Has anyone here ever seen a sane person talk about how the Jews should "just get over the Holocaust - it was what, sixty years ago!?" I mean just your average sort of person? Nah. But I hear it all the time with regards to Indians. "Gosh, an entire continent full of your race was nearly wiped out by war and disease our ancestors brought, who then walled you off into ghettos and stole your children and beat your culture out of them. But that was years ago, let's move on!"

Historical. The low point - nadir - of the Native Americans was reached in 1900 when the US Census gave slightly fewer than 300,000 NA living in the United States. It is commonly suggested that prior to 1492, the population of Native Americans north of the Rio Grande was between 5 million and 25 million. Probably closer to 5. Aside: Spain’s Hernando DeSoto is blamed for the majority of Indian deaths. He explored the southeast United States from Florida (1539) to Arkansas where he died (1541).

DeSoto had become rich as a member of Pizarro’s expedition that conquered Peru’s Incas. In 1539 De Soto selected 620 eager Spanish and Portuguese volunteers, some of African descent, for the Conquest of North America. The expedition embarked from Spanish Cuba on seven of the King's ships and two of De Soto's. With tons of heavy armor and equipment, the livestock count came to over 500, including 237 horses and 200 pigs. And add uncounted numbers of dogs, rats and vermin.

Over the course of traversing through north Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, part of East Texas and finally, Arkansas, many of the animals got loose or were traded or stolen by the NA population. It is believed those animals carried various diseases for which Europeans had an acquired immunity but the Native Americans had none at all. Probably 80% of Indian deaths can be attributed to this innocent transmission of disease. By 1583 - Roanoke - or 1607 - Jamestown - much of the Native American population had been decimated! There are early references by Englishmen of finding abandoned Indian villages.

For the majority of the people, the world revolves around them, exclusively. It's very difficult to perceive that people somewhere might not be as privileged as you may be . . people just can't empathize with the thought that someone, somewhere, for some reason, might not have every opportunity that you might, or that they might face different sorts of problems than you do. Ironically some of this stems from the modern emergence of "everyone's the same" approaches to cultures, races, and religions. It's an extremely stupid way to portray the very good idea that hey, we're all humans and deserving of equal respect. But the fact is, we're not all the same, and "deserving" most certainly doesn't equal "getting."

You did it, W/F! You used the magic word: R E S P E C T.

Because white people are born with it, the word does not convey much to them. But I say you cannot understand the problem if you don’t know what blacks meant by it. It’s another facet of what Dick Gregory meant 40 years ago when he declared, “Black people cannot be racists!”

The get a “handle” on the plight most black people - African Americans - find themselves in, a MUST read is a book entitled “Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism,” by James W. Loewen. He explains how “sundown” towns were 90% in the North and West. And how in 2008, there are STILL 100s of them in America.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 02:22 PM
The use of race issues as a partisan bludgeon is itself a racist tactic. To proliferate false accusations of racism has two predictable effects. First is the 'boy cried wolf' effect which makes it hard for genuine victims of racism to obtain justice. Our language has even evolved a phrase for this: "playing the race card."

Secondly, the proliferation of false accusations will foment division. Both those falsely accused, and those who wrongly buy into the accusations, will likely be pushed towards division.

The use of race issues as a partisan bludgeon is a cynical, despicable ploy that sacrifices the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. on the alter of partisan gain.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 02:44 PM
It has always been my theory that racism is a function of human stupidity. We humans have some powerful tools, like language and math, that let us accomplish amazing things. However, we forget how stupid we can be. Why do we get mad at the coffee table when we bang our shins? Why is the National Enquirer consistently the top selling periodical? Our brains are abjectly flawed.

Racism is the incorrect conclusion of many that character and intelligence are a function of skin pigmentation.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by russell b. garrard

The use of race issues as a partisan bludgeon is itself a racist tactic. To proliferate false accusations of racism has two predictable effects. First is the 'boy cried wolf' effect which makes it hard for genuine victims of racism to obtain justice. Our language has even evolved a phrase for this: "playing the race card."

Pray tell where do you see “genuine victims” of racism EVER getting justice?

Did you watch the ‘06 Tennessee senate election between Chattanooga mayor Bob Corker (R) and Memphis congressman Harold Ford (D)? Which of the 2 candidates played the race card?

Have you heard of the 1990 and 1996 senate election in North Carolina where Jesse Helms (R) ran against Charlotte mayor Harvey Gant (D). Which of the 2 candidates played the race card in both elections? HELP: White guy gets pink slip and affirmative action black guy is in background waiting for his job.

Richard Nixon barely beat Hubert Humphrey in 1968. Which of the 2 candidates played the anti-school busing race card?

Ronald Reagan barely beat Jimmy Carter in 1980. Which of the 2 candidates played the welfare Cadillac race card?

George Bush Sr beat Michael Dukakis in 1988. Which of the 2 candidates played the Willie Horton race card?

The use of race issues as a partisan bludgeon is a cynical, despicable ploy that sacrifices the dream of Martin Luther King Jr. on the alter of partisan gain.

May I ask if you had anyone in particular in mind?

Whoever said running for president was NON partisan?

[edit on 1/19/2008 by donwhite]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 04:23 PM
I note that you did not address the substance of my post that the proliferation of false accusations of racism is itself a racist tactic. Do you agree, or no, and why?

To try to keep some semblance of focus I'll address just one of your litany of questions. We know that there are more whites on welfare than blacks, so why assume that Reagan's comment about welfare, whatever it was, was directed towards blacks and further was racist in intent?

I once heard Michael Reagan tell a story about his father from his college days. Ronald Reagan was on his college football team. The team was all white but for the center, who was black. A local restaurant owner had invited the team for a free dinner, but when they arrived, the owner decided that the black guy couldn't get in. Reagan, even back then a natural leader, told the team, "if we don't all get in, none of us are going in" (my paraphrase) and so the team left.

So your accusation against Reagan is FALSE. Did Reagan oppose welfare? Yes. Did he do it on the basis of race? No.

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by russell b. garrard

I note that you did not address the substance of my post that the proliferation of false accusations of racism is itself a racist tactic. Do you agree, or no, and why?

I did not disagree with your statement. But the operative words in this discourse is “false accusations.” True accusations as I have made are merely recalling unpleasant accusations made by others and therefore are not racist.

We know that there are more whites on welfare than blacks, so why assume that Reagan's comment about welfare, whatever it was, was directed towards blacks and further was racist in intent?

Yes, blacks make up only 13% of the US population. But look, there is no traction in making snide remarks about white people. Especially by other white people. This sounds like a reach to me. Re-read your own first sentence above. Q. How many times was Reagan invited to speak at the NAACP annual convention? You need to “let go” of what’s becoming a Reagan cult.

I once heard Michael Reagan tell a story about his father from his college days. Ronald Reagan was on his college football team. The team was all white but for the center, who was black. A local restaurant owner had invited the team for a free dinner, but when they arrived, the owner decided that the black guy couldn't get in. Reagan, even back then a natural leader, told the team, "if we don't all get in, none of us are going in" (my paraphrase) and so the team left.

Another self-serving story from a person who had a peculiar relationship with Mr. Reagan. In any case, it sounds more like a made up story preparing Reagan for future sainthood. A minor miracle. OTOH Reagan's actions NEVER favored the poor or the blacks. You know which speaks the loudest? Words or deeds.

I wonder who has ever looked up the rooster of Reagan’s old college team? I’d like to hear that story directly from the BLACK center. Eureka College is a liberal arts college in Eureka, Illinois, close to Peoria. The school's most famous alumnus is President Ronald Reagan, who graduated in 1932. From Wikipedia.

[edit on 1/19/2008 by donwhite]

posted on Jan, 19 2008 @ 08:28 PM
So Don, you can't show from RR's words that he had racist intent, but you conclude so because "there's no traction in making snide remarks about white people." I ask for evidence and all you give is assumption. Don, racism is a serious charge, and needs some better evidence than that before you make it.

As for the football story you can believe it or not--who cares. But I find it strange that you would assume that the son lied about the father (or that somebody lied to him) about a story that could be disproven if at least one team member were still alive, a story of little consequence now anyway. You'd rather posit a bizarre act of prevarication than to admit that you might be wrong about a Republican being racist.

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 01:12 AM
Not sure how old you are but did you bother reading your own question? And if so didn't you notice anything wrong with it?

posted on Jan, 20 2008 @ 10:03 AM
I'm not sure it's really about judging people on their skin colour anyway. Where I live there are plenty of Chavvy (trailer trash for our US freinds) whites, lots of them are the total scum of the earth, there are also lots of blacks but they all tend to work own their own homes and are law abiding. Go a few miles down the road and there are no go areas which are predominantly black. The difference, one group are Nigerian the other Somalis, both may be from the same continent both black but culturally they are miles apart.

I'd cross the road if I saw a group of Somali youths coming towards me, or a group of whte chavs, I wouldn't if it was Nigerian. What exactly does that make me apart from someone with a well developed survival instinct based on experience.

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