posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 11:14 AM
You, my reader, exist in an impenetrable world.
Within your mind, you and your universe exist isolated and alone. Nobody will ever experience the world you live in. Nobody will feel the things you
do. Consider: your hopes, fears, passions, dreams – these things are trapped within you, never to be fully revealed to anyone else. You live in
total solitary confinement from the moment of your birth to death.
Now consider: I connect to that isolated universe through this message. Astonishingly, your isolated universe and mine are momentarily joined across
time and space. Two universes collide, through a mechanism we take totally for granted, to the point where it seems barely remarkable. My universe, in
all its vastness and detail, connects with your own fully developed universe at THIS MOMENT. How weird! How amazing!
This connection seems so unlikely, and yet so obvious, that all other paranormal discussions seem trivial, and quite believable.
Why does this system exist? To what purpose?