posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:11 PM
others will hate the fact that they like me too, and anyone else... i probably havent met them yet. all narcissism aside,
my name is Alissa, a 20
something girl from southern california. who sadly, has lost almost all her faith in her once great nation. noting the fact that i have yet to
actually experience any greener grass [i.e.- another country] and their accompanying culture, i spend my days daydreaming about possibly working
abroad, and making new friends in new places. hopefully sooner than later... with that brief, albeit awkward, introduction complete; i thank you
for having such a forum on the vastness of the interwebz, for me to unload all my inner-rantings onto an unsuspecting community. [this is where you
guys come in]
and yes, i am too lazy to press shift + corresponding letter = capitalization
only when my sentence or its meaning will suffer too much in the translation, will i be arsed to comply with that whole two-handed typing thing.
nothing personal... well anyway, nice to meet choo all.