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The imperfections of the human race

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posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:50 AM
The imperfections of the human race

Why are humans who are at the top of the food chain so un-perfect?

Think of any liveing thing on earth and it is perfect in every way. Take a shark for example its the perfect underwater killing machine, or a lion it is perfect. Any liveing thing you can think of is perfect for what it is , this also includes plants and trees all perfect, you could even go so far as to say rocks and stones are perfect, clouds even ,perfect

So why are us humans who are ment to be at the top of the tree so imperfect?

Are we still so unevolved? what is the deal? we humans are riddled with imperfections.Why?

If anyone has any thoughts on this please add

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 08:54 AM
i think about this sometimes....humans are so fragile

look how easy it is for us to break a bone.
arteries that run down our arm/leg/neck that can be sliced so easy.

many things like this

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:10 AM
reply to post by Boondock78

Hay Boondock long time no speak ...hope all is going better for you since we last spoke and a happy new year to you .

Its is a wonder to me how we are unlike any other species on earth we are IMO the most unperfect of all "Gods" creatures why is this?

Sure we can build great citys we can even build the perfect home or car...yet us our selfs as humans are far from perfect why is this ?

Maybe it is true and we are a long way from being fully evolved.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:18 AM
I have written it in many other threads, what is very much unperfected in my view is the so called junk DNA. Which are in fact genomes that are not switch on. We have 95 % of our DNA that is off. And to contribute to this thread, only human have so much inactive genome.
Yes in a sense we are less develop then other species.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:21 AM
i agree. a person by themselves can not accomlish much and is vulnerable. get 10k of them together and they can build a pyramid. they can build a machine that builds another machine....

we make things to make more things.

i always compare us with our animal counterparts....

whales can hear for something like 80 sure would be nice if humans could hear a little better. i know i can't hear my wife when she is in the basement.

i look in my home aquarium and there is a pleco in there. this pleco has an omega iris that it flips down in the daytime to protect it's eyes from the light...why don't i have an omega iris? i need a hat or some sunglasses.

our skin is thin and vital parts of our bodies are not protected.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by kacou

Could you please post some links to your other threads please, id be intrested in reading them


PS so your basicly saying that humas DNA is junk ...that kinda explains a lot of what ive been thinking

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Boondock78

You say that whales can hear for something like 80 miles......what about the human eye it can see a billion light years into the past...........just look at any star in the sky.

We humas consider ourseves to be perfect but again we are from perfect compared to every other species on earth...even a rock is more perfect than a human IMO. Its a rock it is what it is a perfect rock.

maybe we are so inbread that we are junk as the above poster implies?

[edit on 14-1-2008 by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

That the link of the thread.

If you like to know more about some unconventional theory about our origin then I invite you to visit this link below.
I have read the book (Slave Species of gods) but you can download the first chapter that deal with DNA.


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by kacou

Thanks im reading them now .....hopefully ill learn something


posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 11:41 AM
It actually makes sense to me if an extraterrestrial scientist genetically engineered humans. When you look at DNA as code, you can think of an E.T. genetic engineer as a computer programmer. Some programmers write very good code, while other programmers write sloppy code and comment out certain sections that do not have a use but may have a use in the future.

If someone genetically engineered us, they did a sloppy job with our DNA coding. And they left in a lot of comments that we need to decipher since we may gain the power to uncomment them in the future after mastering the discipline of genetic enginnering.

[edit on 14-1-2008 by curiousbeliever]

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 12:16 PM
This comment isn't meant as a debate- just something I have always wondered. Anyone is welcome to answer this with their opinions.

According to evolution, mankind is still improving genetically through mutations and natural selections, as are all species. On the other end of the spectrum, The Bible alludes to our genes as being in a diminishing, degenerative state.

Also, why do we have animals that seemingly have no real defense mechanism compared to those who do? Rabbits, mice, gerbils, etc. Why don't we all have some sort of almost indestructible defense mechanism through natural selection?

Man has intellect as our strength but put us in the ring with a shark, lion, or bear with only physical strength and we're basically screwed. Why don't we all have quills, fangs, claws, wings, venom, etc.? Hopefully someone can answer this logically.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 12:19 PM
you are human for one reason and one reason only.
to ascend spiritually. forget the physical, forget the possible
originators of the human species. it's plain and simple.

all you need is love!

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Man has intellect as our strength but put us in the ring with a shark, lion, or bear with only physical strength and we're basically screwed. Why don't we all have quills, fangs, claws, wings, venom, etc.? Hopefully someone can answer this logically.

Because we dont come from the same exact gene pool as birds, snakes, bears, lions?...............i kinda belive in evoultion , it makes more sense to me than the idea i was created by some superem being all for the idea we are some kind of "freaks" of evoultion that started life as some kind of single cell organisim..........and thats why i think as humas we are so full of imperfections .............i think considinging all the many other millions of forms of life on earth taht are perfect we should count our selves lucky to be here at all.

long live the Dodo

posted on Jan, 18 2008 @ 11:35 PM
Here goes my two cents...

All animals (including ourselves) are only as perfect as what they need to survive.

Whales can communicate up to 30 miles, to help them find food and be weary of predators.
Why do we need to hear 30 miles? We aren't in the middle of a dark ocean. we have our vision and can see a lighted candle up to a mile away.
All animals, plants, rocks are just as imperfect as ourselves.
If we were "perfect" creatures we would be unstoppable, we would have no enemies, the food chain would break down and all life as we know it would come to a halt. We are the way we are because it is essential to the circle of life.... except for maybe rocks... yep, rocks really are perfect.

posted on Mar, 22 2009 @ 09:26 PM
Humans aren't perfect, I can agree with that, but to imply that we are "un-perfect" in comparison to other living things on the Earth is ridiculous... Whales were mentioned to be able to hear up to 80 miles away, thats great, but how useful is that for humans? If we can survive and reproduce without it, why would we need it? People question why we are above animals in the food chain, but are they actually thinking about it? Someone asked why we don't have claws or beaks or stuff like that; we don't need it. Why would we need them when we have guns?
To continue on the larger theme, perfect is a completely relative term. It changes from situation to situation. To say that a whale is perfect because it can hear for 80 miles does not make sense when a human can only hear for 100 feet, and still survive. People seem to be emphasizing only physical capabilities. Yes being strong lets you prosper, but so does being intelligent. If you look at sharks, you can see they have amazing jaws; much stronger than that of any human. But yet consider what sharks have done in their existence. Eat, reproduce, and evolve... Now consider what humans have done since we have been around.. Now you tell me, which seems more "perfect"..

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by AshleyD
According to evolution, mankind is still improving genetically through mutations and natural selections, as are all species. On the other end of the spectrum, The Bible alludes to our genes as being in a diminishing, degenerative state.

Mankind is not "improving genetically." Evolution has no goal and more complex organisms are not necessarily superior to more primitive forms. Also, where in the Bible does it say that or even mention genes?

Also, why do we have animals that seemingly have no real defense mechanism compared to those who do? Rabbits, mice, gerbils, etc. Why don't we all have some sort of almost indestructible defense mechanism through natural selection?

Rabbits, mice, and gerbils do have defense mechanisms- being very fast and living primarily underground. Gerbils as you know them have been selectively bred for captivity. Obviously no defense mechanism is indestructible because predators are constantly evolving to catch the prey.

Man has intellect as our strength but put us in the ring with a shark, lion, or bear with only physical strength and we're basically screwed. Why don't we all have quills, fangs, claws, wings, venom, etc.? Hopefully someone can answer this logically.
Each animal has evolved specifically to its niche, and not all defense mechanisms are compatible with every form/lifestyle organisms are adapted to. Furthermore, intellect is a far superior weapon to the things you mentioned.

posted on Mar, 23 2009 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by N.B.A.Y.S.O.H

perfection is a point-of-view, a perception, therefore to strive for it and ask why we are not is a illogical question

you cannot say a shark is perfect for killing in the water because for one you are not a shark and second you are not a killer (as far as i know)

and besides if they were perfect they would be the masters of the sea, and lions the masters of the land

also nulling th above argument how do you not know that we are not perfect already, fro exactly what we are supposed to be doing???

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by AshleyD
Why do we have animals that seemingly have no real defense mechanism compared to those who do? Rabbits, mice, gerbils, etc. Why don't we all have some sort of almost indestructible defense mechanism through natural selection?

Man has intellect as our strength but put us in the ring with a shark, lion, or bear with only physical strength and we're basically screwed. Why don't we all have quills, fangs, claws, wings, venom, etc.? Hopefully someone can answer this logically.

Hi, AshleyD. Congratulations on your appointment.

As SamuraiDrifter pointed out, evolution isn't directed towards continuous improvement. It just looks that way sometimes, and the reason it looks that way is that natural selection can turn evolution into an arms race - between predator and prey, parasite and host and even between males and females. New offensive capabilities evolve corresponding defences, which can only be overcome by evolving still other offensive capabilities... and so it goes.

But that doesn't answer the question.

Here's a simple answer. Are we really defenseless? As you say, an individual man or woman is unlikely to last long in a physical contest with an individual lion or bear. But evolution isn't about preserving individuals; it's about preserving genes. And you have to admit that our natural offensive and defensive capabilities are currently doing a much better job of saving and replicating our genes than bears' or lions' do theirs.

That leads us to the second answer. If nature's law is eat and be eaten, then it is obvious that all species need defences against other species. The question to ask is, what constitutes a defence. Fearsome teeth, tusks, deadly claws, impenetrable armour... well, they're pretty obvious ones. But an equally good defence is running away, and less costly in energy terms (the price of evolution's benefits is paid in energy) to develop and maintain. Unless you're a predator that needs teeth or claws to get your dinner, it's often better to be fleet of fin, foot or wing, or simply good at dodging.

But even running away is beyond the capacity of one entire kingdom of life: the plants. Rooted, slow-living, plants ain't going anywhere. But just look at the defences they've evolved! They have Animalia* beaten hollow when it comes to defending themselves. In fact, many of them have incorporated being eaten into their reproductive mechanism: they rely on insects to have their sex for them and on birds and mammals to spread their seed abroad. They've done this by turning their reproductive organs and offspring into the most attractive and delicious parts of themselves, so 'predators' will come along, help themselves and leave the rest of the plant alone to grow more flowers and fruit, to propagate its genes another season.

Nature's defensive strategies are legion. Think of skunks and stink-bugs; leaf-insects, chameleons and false coral snakes; stonefish and poison-toads; hermit crabs and rhinoceroses; catnip and cannabis; redcap mushrooms and deadly nightshade. Think of the bacteria, whose strength is in sheer numbers. I could go on and on. The thing these species - all species - have in common is that they exist to protect and procreate replicating molecules - genes - and not themselves.

I hope this explanation was satisfactory.
*Just using the old Linnean classifications for fun.

posted on Mar, 25 2009 @ 01:03 AM
I want to explain a little more about energy. Life, all life, is economic at a basic level. All organisms need energy to maintain bodily functions and go about their business of surviving and reproducing. They also, obviously, need energy to grow and develop into their adult forms.

The amount of energy needed for all this is an organism's costs, which must be balanced by its consumption of food. A small, simple organism like a bacterium needs a lot less food than a large, complex one like a whale. An energetic, fast-moving animal like a swift or an orca will need more energy than a sedentary one like a lichen or a tree.

You might say the ideal animal would be one with amazing predatory equipment - teeth, claws, electric weapons like an eel, whatever - together with massive defensive armour, lightning speed, jackrabbit-like manoeuvrability, camouflage abilities, etc., etc. But such an animal couldn't evolve, even assuming the fall of Nature's dice came up with the right numbers, because it would require far too much energy to acquire and maintain all those phenotypic traits.

Besides, the arms-race part means that the ideal defence is constantly changing. Think about human warfare: castles and fortresses were the ne plus ultra until the Wright brothers came along and buried the curtain-wall contracting business. The same applies in Nature.

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