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Vampires: A Turn On?

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posted on May, 28 2008 @ 05:00 PM
i am reaching vampire right now and i can't find any real history on them. i know about the diffrent types and so on. i just want to know the history on them. can anyone help?

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 12:23 AM
Since apparently, i sound like someone who likes them too much, if there were any of THEM here, i'm sure THEY would be flattered by this thread.

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 10:53 PM

posted on Aug, 11 2008 @ 11:35 PM

Nice. Somehow the thread title led me to believe you wanted to be seduced by a vampire. Silly me.

For us skeptics, don't be afraid to take video when you are sucked dry and post on

I must have come to the wrong website. This certainly is not is it?

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 09:40 AM
well im in the club, i have always found vampire fasinating.

i think they are so seductive, and i pretty much own every vampire movie and book ever made.
i love them so much as you can probally tell by my pic

so your definatly not alone

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 02:52 AM
Hot female:

Hot female vampire:

Why? Don't know.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 08:44 AM
You might as well ask "Tapeworms: A Turn On?"

That's all your describing: a parasite in a frock coat, or leather pants or however popular culture is describing vampires at the moment.

Charming and seductive? No big deal, that's how sales people make their money but I've yet to see people making avatars and fan fic of the guy who sold them a 'cell phone' in the 'mall'. Intense and brooding? Despite possible goth and emo leanings, people who are intense and boring are difficult and usually unrewarding to be around. Maybe vampire lovers could volunteer support on psychiatric daycare dealing with the clinically depressed to see how they like the idea of dark and brooding before they commit?

It's weird, but regarding all the people that think they'd be up for a relationship with a 'vampire', I'd hedge a bet that they'd be actually very unhappy in a relationship that was completely controlling, unbalanced and where the other partner, despite being 'intoxicating' was actually a user.

[edit on 21-10-2008 by Merriman Weir]

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 08:55 AM
Dig deeper, my therapeutic friends. Here is the explanation for the OPs fascination with "vampires".

She doesn't want to be responsible for her own sexuality, likely because she doesn't want to be thought a "slut". So instead, she finds it a turn on when a "vampire" using his "mind control" goes about "seducing" her; therefore, she doesn't have to take any responsibility for her own sexuality. She gets to feel turned on, but she isn't RESPONSIBLE for getting turned on, you see, because she is being "controlled". It's no different than the "rape fantasy" that is common in women. Likely came from a background where her parents suppressed sexual knowledge, and or made her feel guilty for having sexual urges.

And that's my armchair psychoanalysis for today. Remember, I am not a psychiatrist, I just play one on the internet.

posted on Oct, 21 2008 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
It's no different than the "rape fantasy" that is common in women. Likely came from a background where her parents suppressed sexual knowledge, and or made her feel guilty for having sexual urges.

Well, there's definitely a parallel with the idea of submitting to something that is completely controlling and damaging. You could even go as far as saying the teeth have a phallic symbolism and the puncturing and blood-letting has correlation to the breaking of the hymen and the bleeding that accompanies it.

And that's my armchair psychoanalysis for today. Remember, I am not a psychiatrist, I just play one on the internet.

It's as valid as the people that claim they're vampires, werewolves and aliens on the internet, so go for it!

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