posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 03:10 PM
Just think about yourself for a while. Who are you?
Your "self" is made up of everything around you. From your skin and bones to the house that surrounds you, to the people in your town, to the whole
Earth, to the universe.
The only one who truly knows they exist is you.
They make up your ever evolving thoughtform.
and the reason we exist is because we are constantly questioning ourselves, and each moment in your life is the thoughtform exploding and imploding
upon itsself, and each explosion of the thoughtform creates the next moment.
Somebody posted a thing about somebody's time machine that they allegedly built a few days ago. I wanted to add onto that thread, but figured it
would be best explained in this one.
The guy claims to have a time travel device. The problem is that time doesn't exist. Just this one thoughtform created by everything that ever
happened or ever will happen. We're just viewing a sliver of this whole "thought" that is everything. So, if you wanna time travel, what you are
really doing is basically slowing down and then reversing your own sliver of the thoughtform.
The danger of doing this is that you could get lost in your own thoughts forever. A time travel device is manipulating the very essence of what is.
It's not a time travel device so much as a reality bending device. Which mean, if used corectly, this "time travel" device could be used to do
anything really... time travel, space travel, creating something out of nothing, manipulating people's thoughts. With the device in question, if such
a device existed, you would realize that you could do whatever you wanted because it's only your reality.
The reason why all of this is being hidden from us is because we don't want to know about it.
I mean, if God is everything.... than YOU are GOD! Would you wanna know you were the only thing that existed ever?
This is why the conspiracy exists... this is why the positive is always at odds with the negative... because if it wasn't, "we" as I know it
wouldn't exist.
The conspiracy will always exist, and you will always deny that it does exist. The question will always battle the answer.
It almost feels like everything itsself is what we should be questioning. If we found an answer to everything, though, everything would just give us
an exuse as to why it isn't, which would make us stop questioning everything as a whole for a while until we've stumbled all over ourselves again,
because it's an infinite throbbing of yes and no colliding.
The next time someone asks you how you are doing... tell them you're doing everything.
It's really hard to understand at first.
[edit on 14-1-2008 by indierockalien]