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on French revolution .. accurate or not?

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posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 03:33 PM
I raed this post and much is Nteresting.. now I wonder as to accuracy and its portent


Posted By: neuamerica
Date: Sunday, 8 February 2004, 5:52 p.m.

Thanks to Aladdin for the inspiration to post this.

I've got a totally different take on what happened last week at the Super Bowl. For those who are having trouble "connecting the dots," I believe this posting will help.

The nipple had a SUN logo on it. We all know what "the rising sun," is, right? The Illuminati uses it all the time, especially on their products and logos.

Some say Janet's nipple was covered by a star, which is the exact same thing as a sun.

"The symbol of the Order is a crescent moon, made from the claws of a Bengal tiger, engraved with a pyramid, an urn and a pentagram. The crescent is suspended from a scimitar and in the Order is a representation of the Universal Mother worshipped in ancient times as Isis. The horns of the crescent point downwards because it represents the setting moon of the old faith at the rising of the Sun of the new religion of the brotherhood of humanity."
(The Occult Conspiracy, p.93)

The "universal mother," symbol personified is the nipple. It gives milk...

The Jackson family is demonic. Remember when Michael dangled his baby in mid air with a hood over its head? That was a blatantly satanic act. Janet Jackson acted like a prostitute on stage to sell more records. Justin Timberlake is a Christian, and has made that well known to the public. He truly was "punked," and he was the one who was double crossed.

What everyone was talking about Monday morning was symbolism.

"Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries...By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language...In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable."
? Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p.20.

Was the Super Bowl used by the Illuminati to communicate? Did the nipple Sun logo "tip off," those who were watching across the globe? Perhaps this event was the "trigger," for what's next?

The "Lady Liberty," post was falsely optimistic. That picture came from the French Revolution...and that in itself should say enough. The French Revolution was caused by the anarchist Christ hating Illuminati conspiracy...and at the same time another "Revolution," was taking place in America.
"The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by French Freemasons and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris These statues of liberty are representations of Queen Semiramis and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head. The ancients symbolised the Sun in this way. And they are not holding the torch of liberty, but the torch of the illuminated ones, the reptilian Elite. The Statue of Liberty is a Brotherhood symbol which says: We control this country and we are telling you so, but you are too stupid to see it!"

The following article speaks volumes on this subject....

In all my investigations, one, clear fact has stood out: The men of the Illuminati are the most bloodthirsty group of savages that has ever walked the earth. Far from being a cultured, refined, and sophisticated elite, the Illuminati have demonstrated over and over again their pagan instincts and their obsessive and remarkable bloodlust.

The ongoing revolution of the Illuminati?from the days of Spain?s Loyola and the Alumbrados to Voltaire and Robespierre of the French Revolution, and on to Lenin and Trotsky of Bolshevik Soviet infamy and Mao and Pol Pot of Asian barbarism, a trail of terror and blood has been the identifying sign of these "enlightened" Luciferian man-gods.

Age of Terror

The prime legacy of the Illuminati these past 500 years has been their Revolution of Blood. It is significant that historians have branded the period of the French Revolution the Age of Terror, or simply as The Terror. Likewise, chroniclers of Leninism in Soviet Russia call the years 1917-1923 the time of the Red Terror.

It is with reason that in the Bible?s book of Isaiah, God declares, "All those who hate me love death." Consider if you will Loyola, the Catholic hero and occult Illuminist who oversaw the torment and torture of thousands of Protestant and other innocents during the inquisition. The secret order he founded, the Jesuits, continues to this day to promote Communism, murder and suffering through its Liberation Theology in South and Central America.

In France, in 1798, the Freemason Voltaire privately told his Jacobin Illuminati co-conspirators, "Our real object is to crush the wretch." The "wretch" to whom Voltaire referred was Jesus Christ. And so, a small band of determined plotters, organized by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit Jewish professor who has been called "a human devil," set out to destroy all organized religion, murder every minister and priest, dismantle civilization, and return mankind to a primitive, savage state.

In his classic textbook, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, describing the Illuminist plot in France, Abbe Barruel affirms that, "The grand object of this conspiracy was to overturn every altar where Christ was adored." Theirs, Barruel wrote, was an "unrelenting hatred for Christ and kings."

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

The rallying cry and motto of the Illuminati in France was, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!" Seemingly worthy goals. But in reality, the actual meaning and operation of these three terms was diabolical.

The word "Liberty," to Illuminism, means liberty of man from God, the liberty of man to do as he wants, when he wants, free of the shackles of the Christian religion. Rebellion and anarchy are to be used to achieve such liberty.

(Is it any wonder that the French gave the US our statue of Lady Liberty, which was built by a French Freemason?)

"Equality," meanwhile, implies that all authority is to be smashed and that no man should own more goods than his fellows. Man would have little or no property to tie him down, no family or children, no cities, no government. Instead, rewilded man would live pure in nature in a savage and primitive, yet exalted, state.

"Fraternity" means that all men are to be brothers, the artificial strictures of national borders, religions, and races, etc. obliterated.

To attain these goals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, a Masonic physician, Dr. Guillotine, invented a bloody, head-chopping blade machine, and heads began to roll. The King and the Queen were just two of thousands executed. Next, perceiving the guillotine as too cumbersome and slow?only one person at a time was beheaded?other killing methods were employed.

(The guillotine is now the present logo of the United States Postal Service.)

Christians and Churches Persecuted

Christians in towns and cities across France who refused to renounce Christ were bound hand and foot and loaded onto boats. The boats were pushed out into deep waters of rivers. Riflemen would then shoot holes in the boats. Plaintive screams and cries were heard as the vessels sank and helpless, bound Christians drowned.

Protestant ministers and Catholic priests alike had their eyes gouged out. Many were shot, others bayoneted, still others stomped to death or killed with the sword. Crazed rioters tore many to pieces. Some who renounced Christ were spared after being humiliated.

Inside churches, revolutionary mobs shattered stain glass windows, defecated on and destroyed pews, and threw down crosses and urinated on them. In some churches, naked women paraded inside as "Lady Liberty," proceeding to the altar where they were adored and pawed at by drunken revelers shouting obscenities at God. Pornographic art was displayed in galleries and in homes.

(Janet Jackson was acting the part of "Lady Liberty.")

Across France, over three million people perished?many of whom were small merchants and shop owners, simple farmers, and God-fearing elderly persons. In some cases, entire towns were razed and destroyed.

Finally, the executors became the executed. Robespierre, chief of the Illuminati butchers, was, in turn, himself dragged to the gallows and his head lopped off. It was the bloodthirsty feasting upon the bloodthirsty. Terror begetting terror.

When the Terror finally exhausted itself, the fake messiah, Napoleon, appeared on the scene. Many more died in the wars and famine that ensued after the crowning of the little Corsican dictator.

Of Barbarians and Devils

It was, however, in Russia and the Soviet republics that the Illuminati brought bloody terror to its ultimate peak in demonic perfection. As Donn de Grand Pr�, in his sensational book, Barbarians Inside the Gates, reveals, the French and the Bolshevik (Communist) revolutions were funded, incited and supervised by "Jews who were not Jews," and aided and abetted by "Christians who were not Christians." Marx, whose literary works inspired the Russian Revolution and Terror, was a satanic Jew.

Lenin, who led the bloody revolution in Russia, was married to a Jew, and some believe he himself was Jewish. Trotsky, Lenin?s deputy and co-barbarian, was also a secular Jew?he came from the Bronx, New York City, and his real name was Lev Bronstein. Almost all the Bolshevik Communist leadership were Jews. (snip)

Lenin and Trotsky were, nevertheless, never satisfied. "Put more force into the terror," Lenin demanded. The Russian Jewish newspaper Yevreyskaya Tribuna (August 24, 1922), stated that Lenin had asked Russia?s chief rabbis if they were satisfied with the particularly cruel executions meted out to Christian clergy and Christian followers.

Lina shows in his book how Lenin saw his Bolshevik Revolution as the mirror image of the French Revolution. Indeed, he was correct?both were products of Illuminist skullduggery. The French revolutionists wanted a One World Order with God dethroned. So did Lenin?s Communist revolutionaries. --- rest of article linked above

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 07:06 PM
or she could of just thought it looked pretty and it fitted over the mentioned bodypart

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 07:09 PM
All sadly true, but don't forget the role of international financiers in revolution too.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by celticcat

I raed this post and much is Nteresting.. now I wonder as to accuracy and its portent


Posted By: neuamerica
Date: Sunday, 8 February 2004, 5:52 p.m.

Thanks to Aladdin for the inspiration to post this.

I've got a totally different take on what happened last week at the Super Bowl. For those who are having trouble "connecting the dots," I believe this posting will help.

The nipple had a SUN logo on it. We all know what "the rising sun," is, right? The Illuminati uses it all the time, especially on their products and logos.

Some say Janet's nipple was covered by a star, which is the exact same thing as a sun.

"The symbol of the Order is a crescent moon, made from the claws of a Bengal tiger, engraved with a pyramid, an urn and a pentagram. The crescent is suspended from a scimitar and in the Order is a representation of the Universal Mother worshipped in ancient times as Isis. The horns of the crescent point downwards because it represents the setting moon of the old faith at the rising of the Sun of the new religion of the brotherhood of humanity."
(The Occult Conspiracy, p.93)

The "universal mother," symbol personified is the nipple. It gives milk...

The Jackson family is demonic. Remember when Michael dangled his baby in mid air with a hood over its head? That was a blatantly satanic act. Janet Jackson acted like a prostitute on stage to sell more records. Justin Timberlake is a Christian, and has made that well known to the public. He truly was "punked," and he was the one who was double crossed.

What everyone was talking about Monday morning was symbolism.

"Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries...By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those thoughts which transcend the limitations of language...In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and conceal, while to the ignorant the figure remains inscrutable."
? Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p.20.

Was the Super Bowl used by the Illuminati to communicate? Did the nipple Sun logo "tip off," those who were watching across the globe? Perhaps this event was the "trigger," for what's next?

The "Lady Liberty," post was falsely optimistic. That picture came from the French Revolution...and that in itself should say enough. The French Revolution was caused by the anarchist Christ hating Illuminati conspiracy...and at the same time another "Revolution," was taking place in America.
"The Statue of Liberty was given to New York by French Freemasons and her mirror image stands on an island in the River Seine in Paris These statues of liberty are representations of Queen Semiramis and Isis et al, with the rays of the Sun around her head. The ancients symbolised the Sun in this way. And they are not holding the torch of liberty, but the torch of the illuminated ones, the reptilian Elite. The Statue of Liberty is a Brotherhood symbol which says: We control this country and we are telling you so, but you are too stupid to see it!"

The following article speaks volumes on this subject....

In all my investigations, one, clear fact has stood out: The men of the Illuminati are the most bloodthirsty group of savages that has ever walked the earth. Far from being a cultured, refined, and sophisticated elite, the Illuminati have demonstrated over and over again their pagan instincts and their obsessive and remarkable bloodlust.

The ongoing revolution of the Illuminati?from the days of Spain?s Loyola and the Alumbrados to Voltaire and Robespierre of the French Revolution, and on to Lenin and Trotsky of Bolshevik Soviet infamy and Mao and Pol Pot of Asian barbarism, a trail of terror and blood has been the identifying sign of these "enlightened" Luciferian man-gods.

Age of Terror

The prime legacy of the Illuminati these past 500 years has been their Revolution of Blood. It is significant that historians have branded the period of the French Revolution the Age of Terror, or simply as The Terror. Likewise, chroniclers of Leninism in Soviet Russia call the years 1917-1923 the time of the Red Terror.

It is with reason that in the Bible?s book of Isaiah, God declares, "All those who hate me love death." Consider if you will Loyola, the Catholic hero and occult Illuminist who oversaw the torment and torture of thousands of Protestant and other innocents during the inquisition. The secret order he founded, the Jesuits, continues to this day to promote Communism, murder and suffering through its Liberation Theology in South and Central America.

In France, in 1798, the Freemason Voltaire privately told his Jacobin Illuminati co-conspirators, "Our real object is to crush the wretch." The "wretch" to whom Voltaire referred was Jesus Christ. And so, a small band of determined plotters, organized by Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit Jewish professor who has been called "a human devil," set out to destroy all organized religion, murder every minister and priest, dismantle civilization, and return mankind to a primitive, savage state.

In his classic textbook, Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism, describing the Illuminist plot in France, Abbe Barruel affirms that, "The grand object of this conspiracy was to overturn every altar where Christ was adored." Theirs, Barruel wrote, was an "unrelenting hatred for Christ and kings."

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity

The rallying cry and motto of the Illuminati in France was, "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity!" Seemingly worthy goals. But in reality, the actual meaning and operation of these three terms was diabolical.

The word "Liberty," to Illuminism, means liberty of man from God, the liberty of man to do as he wants, when he wants, free of the shackles of the Christian religion. Rebellion and anarchy are to be used to achieve such liberty.

(Is it any wonder that the French gave the US our statue of Lady Liberty, which was built by a French Freemason?)

"Equality," meanwhile, implies that all authority is to be smashed and that no man should own more goods than his fellows. Man would have little or no property to tie him down, no family or children, no cities, no government. Instead, rewilded man would live pure in nature in a savage and primitive, yet exalted, state.

"Fraternity" means that all men are to be brothers, the artificial strictures of national borders, religions, and races, etc. obliterated.

To attain these goals of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, a Masonic physician, Dr. Guillotine, invented a bloody, head-chopping blade machine, and heads began to roll. The King and the Queen were just two of thousands executed. Next, perceiving the guillotine as too cumbersome and slow?only one person at a time was beheaded?other killing methods were employed.

(The guillotine is now the present logo of the United States Postal Service.)

Christians and Churches Persecuted

Christians in towns and cities across France who refused to renounce Christ were bound hand and foot and loaded onto boats. The boats were pushed out into deep waters of rivers. Riflemen would then shoot holes in the boats. Plaintive screams and cries were heard as the vessels sank and helpless, bound Christians drowned.

Protestant ministers and Catholic priests alike had their eyes gouged out. Many were shot, others bayoneted, still others stomped to death or killed with the sword. Crazed rioters tore many to pieces. Some who renounced Christ were spared after being humiliated.

Inside churches, revolutionary mobs shattered stain glass windows, defecated on and destroyed pews, and threw down crosses and urinated on them. In some churches, naked women paraded inside as "Lady Liberty," proceeding to the altar where they were adored and pawed at by drunken revelers shouting obscenities at God. Pornographic art was displayed in galleries and in homes.

(Janet Jackson was acting the part of "Lady Liberty.")

Across France, over three million people perished?many of whom were small merchants and shop owners, simple farmers, and God-fearing elderly persons. In some cases, entire towns were razed and destroyed.

Finally, the executors became the executed. Robespierre, chief of the Illuminati butchers, was, in turn, himself dragged to the gallows and his head lopped off. It was the bloodthirsty feasting upon the bloodthirsty. Terror begetting terror.

When the Terror finally exhausted itself, the fake messiah, Napoleon, appeared on the scene. Many more died in the wars and famine that ensued after the crowning of the little Corsican dictator.

Of Barbarians and Devils

It was, however, in Russia and the Soviet republics that the Illuminati brought bloody terror to its ultimate peak in demonic perfection. As Donn de Grand Pr�, in his sensational book, Barbarians Inside the Gates, reveals, the French and the Bolshevik (Communist) revolutions were funded, incited and supervised by "Jews who were not Jews," and aided and abetted by "Christians who were not Christians." Marx, whose literary works inspired the Russian Revolution and Terror, was a satanic Jew.

Lenin, who led the bloody revolution in Russia, was married to a Jew, and some believe he himself was Jewish. Trotsky, Lenin?s deputy and co-barbarian, was also a secular Jew?he came from the Bronx, New York City, and his real name was Lev Bronstein. Almost all the Bolshevik Communist leadership were Jews. (snip)

Lenin and Trotsky were, nevertheless, never satisfied. "Put more force into the terror," Lenin demanded. The Russian Jewish newspaper Yevreyskaya Tribuna (August 24, 1922), stated that Lenin had asked Russia?s chief rabbis if they were satisfied with the particularly cruel executions meted out to Christian clergy and Christian followers.

Lina shows in his book how Lenin saw his Bolshevik Revolution as the mirror image of the French Revolution. Indeed, he was correct?both were products of Illuminist skullduggery. The French revolutionists wanted a One World Order with God dethroned. So did Lenin?s Communist revolutionaries. --- rest of article linked above

im not making fun of you but where do you come up with this stuff?

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