posted on Apr, 21 2020 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to:
It was a red star and that red star was and is Sirius. The star is now blue and has a 25920 (pythagron reduction to 9 year cycle with the earth (same
as the big year) This can be calibrated against the yuga cycles and further vefifed with the kemetic religions. This planet is the Queen of heaven
(Aset) oftren now known as ISIS. Her sister is the dark star Sirius B which is the star souls travel too on death.
Stichin was not as out as you might think his timing is though. The cycle takes longer and tallies in nicely with the The Milankovitch Cycles. 24/26K.
What happened 10,500bc.
This is the same star as the messianic star, Its the star the three wise men (orions belt / the three blue kings point to. Why do you think Jesus of
Naser ( of sirius) started preaching at the age of 25. Because that is the year the star is recorded from changing red to blue. (ISIS the veiled one
becomes Mary the veiled one)
Infact if you look carefully you will find the narrative of this star through out nearly all religions and culture of the world.
Further is it worth bearing in mind that much in the way of our history is hidden behind an information wall. This happened a hundred years ago or so.
The test book narrative of the pyramids are just tombs does not cut the mustard anymore.
Our history and heritage are denied us. This is the Fourth age of man (ages of man identified by most cultures the world. The western narrative being
in the minority here.
You can see the ritual still performed to this day by the likes of NASA which is an occulitc organsation and was set us as such. Many of its founders
being Freemasons (the blazing star / nirubu / sirius). Other founders included Thelema practioners (the silver star /sirius) and x members from
operation paper clip (members of the black sun / sirius)
Why do you think they missions are continally named after the same Gods ie Orion / ISIS/ Apollo etc.
So its best not to mock what you do not understand. Learn some this is your heritage and its ritual is still used today by the elite.
ISIS the terrorist group fighting in Sryia (sirius people of the sun and the other month their man leader was killed by a dog (fabricated news
ps link not working
edit on 21-4-2020 by purplemer because: (no reason given)