posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:53 PM
Sorry if this thread is in the wrong section but Paranormal Studies is more active than education and the type of people I'm looking for, are in this
section more.
I was wondering if any colleges outside of California, offer the class "Spiritual Health". I just started college and I have to take 9 units to get
the job I want. I've been hooked on all ATS related topics for the last year (especially OBE's). I just started reading and practicing the
techniques in Astral Dynamics about a month ago, so when I saw this class description I almost shat my pants:
"Spiritual Health: Focuses on exploring dimension of health topics. Which include mindfullness, faith, hope, deepening connections, The Mystic
Heart, living life fully, death and dying. Different techniques of meditation will be introduced."
I've been to this class twice and didn't realize that I was in school...... it felt like a group activity that I'm getting college credits for. My
teacher is more into the eastern ways of spirituality (I like western because its easier to understand) but she's so damn fully of positivity that it
makes it easy to work through. We've meditated 3 times in two sessions with the lights completely off. In the last session.... for the first time, I
actually had to stop meditating because the vibrations and energy I was feeling in my heart area was overwhelming. I hope thats progress. My question
is, does your college have a class like this? The only studying we seem to do, is studying ourselves.