New Hampshire Vote Wrap Up:
The “official” view just prior to the election from New Hampshire…
The Trail Less Traveled: Voting Official Discusses Election
Rigged Elections in New Hampshire?
Video on how to manipulate the Optical Scan machine.
1-12-08: Red Flags over New Hampshire
“- Hand count and machine count locations, when calculated statewide, show an eerie statistic:
Clinton Optical scan 91,717 52.95%
Obama Optical scan 81,495 47.05%
Clinton Hand-counted 20,889 47.05%
Obama Hand-counted 23,509 52.95%”
Look up “Skull and Bones” in Google. Now, read:
“…despite occupying such a divisive place in the Democratic Party and outsized role in the corporate world--and despite his company's close ties
to Republican political operatives and the Bush White House--Penn remains a leading figure in Hillary's campaign….”
Chain of custody in New Hamshire:
1-16-08: How New Hampshire is sizing up
Fraud U.S.-Style: Fake Videos and Elections
Brad Blog:
Election Officials Confrim that Employees from LHS Associates, Diebold's Sole Programmer, Vendor, and Service Provider in NH, Were Allowed to Access
Vulnerable Optical-Scan Systems Throughout Election Day
My definition of communism: When your vote doesn’t really count and mainstream media is controlled by the government. Question: Isn’t that what
we have now?
Go to Google and type, “Fake Government News”
Elimination of the Constitution:
Constitutional Crisis Escalating
Make a copy of the U.S. Constitution before it is permanently banned.
Alexis de Tocqueville -Americans are so enamored of equality, they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.
Josef Stalin: "It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes!"