posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:30 AM
ok, so last night i took 2 xanax and fell asleep watching Cow and Chicken. (awesome show). i woke up 15 mins later and went to bed. do you ever
have those dreams where you think you wake up but you dont? this was like that, except i was concious of the fact that i was asleep and was going
into too deep of a sleep to come out of. I tried to wake up, telling myself to wake up and straining my brain to come out, but each time i did this,
my head would tingle like it was numb. Also, each time i did this i would go into another level of the dream where i thought i was awake. i did this
4 times, and on the final time, i tried to wake up and my wjole body went completely numb, so that i couldnt feel myself walking (in the dream), so i
went limp because i was afraid i might hurt myself and not know it. so i went limp, and fell face first on the floor(this is all still in my
dream)and my arms went out to my sides like they do when you push them out against a doorway. so i was compl;etely numb, but i could see my arms
moving up. the numbness was overtaking me, so i knew i had to pray. i shouted"GOD HELP ME" over and over, and soon, the paralyzing numbness went
away. my cell phone rang, and i answered it. i knew the person was pretending like my mother, asking me how school went, and that stuff, but i knew
it wasnt her. i asked "where is my mother?!" and then i tried even harder to wake up, and finally i did. it was crazy.
do you think it means anything, or just a substance-controlled mindset?
Do you think the imperitaveness of my venture to wake up was valid, or was it just my loopy brain from the xanax?