posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 05:10 AM
To NewWorldOver:
The internet is not an actual place with established borders and property lines, anyone can go anywhere.
If in their travels, they happen upon information, well, said information is not intellectual property, no matter how personal it is, unless of
course, the information is encrypted and in a secure database.
As soon as that information becomes an electronic signal, you cease ownership of it.
Now, I understand identity theft is a serious problem and should be stopped, but that's not what we're talking about here.
To Quazga:
Dude, if there is an actual disclaimer and people ignore it and sign up anyways, then they ARE RESPONSIBLE for their own actions.
Don't complain because you signed (not you personally) your rights away and DID NOT read the disclaimer.
It doesn't make someone a victim, it makes them a dumbass.
Always read what you sign.
"Blaming the victim"?
Please, give it up.
It's that kind of behavior that blames fast food restaurants for people becoming fat, blaming cigarette companies for keeping a less-than-healthy
product on the market and so on.
Take some responsibility for your actions.
Don't like it? Don't partake in it.
[edit on 1/11/2008 by wu kung]