posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:35 AM
Come on now...
You all are really quite amusing in your feigned anger about this...the same people up in arms about this probably ignore their fellow human on the
corner holding their signs.
As well as donate no time, money or energy into the research or advancement in the treatment of these folks with mental illness.
Sure it's sad that another human experienced pain or suffering, however...why is it the PC thing to act appalled? Even when it's self inflicted?
This guy is nuts, if all the people with such compassion as displayed here actually attempted to be a solution...then maybe these things wouldn't
BTW...I was a Suicide/Dependency counselor, so I know mental illness...
Oh, and thanks Cavscout I always like hearing from my fans....
[edit on 10-1-2008 by LockwithnoKey]