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Lockheed Martin Turbo Super Blimp

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posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 04:47 PM
VIDEO: Lockheed Martin Turbo Super Blimp

Check this thing out. Imagine the possibilities for logistics. Heavy Lift. Airborne Command Post. Surveillance.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 04:58 PM
Ah, when I read the thread title, I instantly thought "Homeland Air Defense". Floating observation station monitoring areas, looking through walls etc. It seems you know it to. Interesting, but a bit foreboding if you think about it.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 08:41 PM
lol yeah that was in the thread about buying some of the largest planes in the world for the us. I posted that link to that flying website. Did you see the video where the guy tests out that model?
And the problem is defence dude no decent defence

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 09:25 PM
If you're inclined to use a blimp for long-term (defense) surveillence, I'd suggest going to extreme high-altitude. Say 80,000-100,00 FT.

Not only would your spy platform be well above most air-born threats, even if they could locate yoy, but you'd also be well above most of the atmosphere; much easier to "station-keep" if you don't have to deal with winds.

And you would have a much broader coverage area than at lower altitudes.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 10:53 PM
Big Brother's new toy: Another bloated gas bag watching you from the sky

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 12:18 AM
Isn't the phrase "Turbo Blimp" an oxymoron? It looks cool and moves pretty well but as depth om said, I thought of Homeland Security immediately. I still question what is more efficient, these blimps or the UAV's.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 12:30 AM
Hey look it's a UFO, no thats just P-791. But does anyone know what the dimensions are?

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 02:48 AM
I noticed that one of the decals on the Blimp is 'TCOM'.

I googled TCOM and found out that: "Over the past 30 years, TCOM has been at the forefront of innovative developments in tethered aerostat systems. TCOM, LP - The Surveillance Solution."

TCOM Homepage (Main Page Features A Blimp)

Seems like this is a surveillance focused project.

Imagine knowing that big brother blimpy is up there watching all the time.

[edit on (1/10/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 02:59 AM
Alright gang I found a great webpage with a ton of new info about this project.

HAC News Page

External Content:
The Defense Dept. is showing interest in two categories of airships--those that can carry large cargo at low altitude, exemplified by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Walrus program, and those that can operate in high-altitude low-wind conditions and remain on station for long periods of time. The configuration of the Skunks Works ship indicates it is the former--a hybrid heavy-load carrier.

The speed of the testbed was estimated at about 20 kt. A full-scale version would be able to go much faster, over 100 kt. Lockheed Martin has long proposed a large transport airship, at one time called the Aerocraft, which was halted around 2000 (AW&ST Feb. 22, 1999, p. 26). That design was about 800 ft. long and was to carry 1-1.2 million lb. at 125 kt. The Skunk Works was one of two contractors to receive one-year, $3-million Darpa contracts in August 2005 to study Walrus. The second Walrus phase would be a three-year demonstration effort.

The P-791 uses four air cushions as landing gear, located on the outer lobes. Taxiing the vehicle could be like flying a hovercraft, except one with greater exposure to winds. An advantage of the air cushions is they could be reversed to suck the aircraft onto the ground to resist winds for cargo operations. Air pressure may also be the best way to spread landing loads into the inflatable structure. It's not clear if there are any devices, such as wheels, to keep the airship from sliding sideways when taxiing in crosswinds. The craft has a special towing system.

The P-791 appears to have four propellers--two at the tail and two on the sides. The tail units appear to be able to pivot for yaw vectoring, and it's unclear if the ones on the sides can move. One knowledgeable individual says there are four vectored propulsors used for ground handling, but it's not clear if these are the main propellers, or separate units perhaps connected with the air cushion system. The rings around the motors may be shrouds for the propellers and/or gimbal rings for vectoring. Vectored thrust can be useful for lighter-than-air blimps, which lose conventional control authority as they approach zero airspeed while landing, but a hybrid airship lands with some airspeed that may keep the tail control surfaces effective. But for control during low-speed air cushion taxiing, vectoring would seem essential.

The P-791 appears similar to the proposed full-scale version of the British SkyKitten, called the SkyCat. They have similar overall shapes--though the Skunk Works design is wider--and similar propulsion layouts, and both use air cushion landing gear. Perhaps the two programs have people in common.

One of the partner names on the side is TCOM, which makes aerostats and envelopes for airships.

[edit on (1/10/08) by AllSeeingI]

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 03:59 AM
Heavy lift airships have been worked on for many years. There is a canadian co that has one that uses the coriallis effect for propulsion. Its a delta config too, more like a manta ray shpe with a large rotateable sphere between the wings. As the sphere rotates it causes the airship to move.
Survailance air ships, so called "stealth blimps" are already in service in the US southwest as static observation platforms, of the US-Mexican border.
The have been in use since at least 1991, I know cause ive seen them on the gound at a sw texas facility.
There is a so cal company working on a station keeping airship for digital PCS relays.
Most people dont realized that what is currently called a "cell phone" is not a cell phone at all, but is a digital personal comunication system(PCS). Even though digital PCS was hailed as a breakthrough, it actually shortened the range of a "cell phone" from up to 40 miles in some cases to a mere 12 for the digital signal. That is the reason for the explosion of "cell towers" since 2000. The digital PCS signal is line of sight and has an effective range of around 12-17 miles depending on terrain and atmospheric conditions.
Around 12-15 years ago a company proposed to use a station keeping air ship at high altitudes to relay power from a ground generator to a whole community, the air ship would act as a reflector for the microwave transmissions used to carry power.
It never wet further than a conceptual idea, then another company took that idea and applied it to communications. The idea is simple, lets say you have a city of 500,000 people,in a standard american pattern this city would be roughly 30 miles across, based on the 500k pop city i live in, it might take 15? ground towers to provide complete signal relay coverage.
Or just one air ship at hovering 80,000' can provide complete coverage, for the entire city. At an altitude of 80K the vehicle would be in the sun something like 21 hrs a day, making solar power a realistic alternative, it could remain aloft for months at a time, without a tether. And for more than just telephone service but the same airship could carry TV and radio relays as well.
In fact as originaly envisioned it would never come down, a maintenance ship would go up to meet it, to service batteries and propulsion systems.
I have long been a proponent of heavy lift airships, for civllian uses like logging and other industries that require heavy slow lift capabilities.
As a military vehicle they are of limited effectiveness, very vunerable to attack, they could only be used in areas where friendly control of the air is certain. Even still they are slow and more suceptable to bad weather than heavier than air craft.
A GEV (ground effects vehicle) like the monster of the caspian or hover craft offer much higher speeds while still offering a comperable lift capacity.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 01:57 AM
Aside from the surveillance angle, these things have potentially major uses in terms of bringing heavy freight to previously inaccessible locations. Not to mention the possibility of bringing back the flying liners of the Zeppelin era.

I remember seeing a version of this craft when a smaller remote-piloted version was being flown. It seems like the Skunkworks bought in to the program, good move on their part IMHO.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 08:39 AM
the P791
i integreat that in my work
can someone tell me more about the P791-because it look like my spaceblimp that i make 1999 and Lockhead Martin build the P791 in 2010
i mean the size of P791 and my spaceblimp are nearby the same-but the missions are different.
does the P791 have something to do with my blimp-what did u think?

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:09 AM
I think they ditched that project.

Google 'Project Walrus'.

That's the new US Air Force reinforced dirigible able to carry an Army Battalion. Uses some crazy ion propulsion or something.

The blimp in the video would only be good for intelligence/communictations.

I think the Project Walrus blimp hits 200+ mph. Carrying tanks.

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 09:39 AM
the same way in germany-here it was cargolifter and not walrus-its always the same-
they delopment a huge blimp and then they found out-surprise- a blimp flys always in the directions of the wind-i mean they can better burn the money then spent it in huge blimps that fly nowhere.however

it was more about blimps with a size of 25x25x6meter what i wanna know

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:37 AM
I've always wondered why they don't use airships more for freight. I guess because ships are better? But these have the advantage of being able to go in a straight line, not having to follow the rivers. Seems like it might work well for moving things on a continent. But what do I know.

Just seems like it's not utilized well to me. I've never see an airship where I live.

I wonder if it's possible to make an airship hotel permanently anchored to the ground so that it could withstand bad weather. It would be earthquake proof, flood proof, but not not tornadoes. Seems like the bigger it's the more economic it would be. Even could move to disaster areas to house people? I know this is absurd, but floating has its advantages...

I think when energy is significantly cheaper, a lot of crazy ideas will become practical. Space travel, for example, is outside of our reach still. It's too expensive. But when we're able to afford it when propulsion costs come down and when we understand how to live in space or in enclosed areas for long lengths of time then we will also get the side benefit of not putting all our eggs in one basket. Being able to live on earth, in the oceans, in space or on the moon, those are all going to increase our odds of survival in the longer term. And may well facilitate future advances.

If all you can produce is 200 watts, then it would be a waste to spend it all on a computer. You would spend it on heating, lighting, important things like that. But if you can produce 2000 watts, then suddenly the option opens up to use your computer. And there're all sorts of side benefits that come along with a computer. Firstly, entertainment and social outlets, obviously. But more importantly, google and other information engines are coming to define computers in such a way that they're changing how we live our lives. They're enriching us by giving us easy access to human knowledge. All of this would have been impractical without enough cheap energy to afford and make it a realization. And many things would not have occurred to us as advantages until long after we had been using computers. Just one example is who would have thought doctors could operate on someone a thousand miles away via his computer in 1980? Computers weren't capable of this feat back then, and the internet didn't exist either. Many things are unforseen.

So I think this is an energy thing, primarily. We have to bring energy costs down.

If the best we could do is start a fire, then it wouldn't make sense to have radios or computers. I mean, may as well use the fire for heating. That makes sense. You live within your means.
edit on 21-7-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 11:25 AM
if the wind came from the west-the blimp flies to the east-thats why blimps dont work for cargo

if u need energy then look at your washing machine-its use 2000 watts to spin u clothes-if u spin the washing mashine generator the same speed with a windmill u produce 2000 watts-if u have a trafo thats make 220volt into 6 volt u can use it to make out of 6 volt 220 volt and pull back the energy into u powerline

so everything is good?

that all have nothing to do with my spaceblimp

posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by jonnywhite
I've always wondered why they don't use airships more for freight. I guess because ships are better? But these have the advantage of being able to go in a straight line, not having to follow the rivers. Seems like it might work well for moving things on a continent. But what do I know.

Indeed it superficially seems like a good idea - but basically the economics are crap - this guy has put all teh reasons together -

why heavy lift airships are not going to happen

As surveillance platforms airships may well work - but not as cargo or people lifters.
edit on 21-7-2011 by Aloysius the Gaul because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 09:52 PM
First things didn't "crash" as the headline falsely states. It made an emergency landing, according to the body. One sounds like a safe landing, and the other sounds like it blew up on the way down.

Headlines are made to attract attention. It worked.

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