posted on Jan, 29 2008 @ 06:05 AM
Granted I agree, there is no shred of proof offered up thus far except some really really ancient ruins that suggest something happened a very long
time ago involving a large stellar object. However, if X were on an elliptical orbit that only reaches "near" sun ever 36500 years or whatever it
is, then it is possible for it to make the rounds several times and never come close to Earth orbit...but due to patterns eventually it's year comes
up when Earth is close to it's very fast (they say several days you see it in the sky...then all hell breaks loose for about 10 hours, and then a few
days later it fades out of sight) and then way way way...out to space it goes again. Others, from what I've read, speculate that X only comes into
the far reaches of our solar system (out by Uranus) but that it actually has a few planets orbiting it, and given the patterns, even though X
(actually a small brown star slightly bigger than Jupiter) comes every 3600 years, the planets also have their orbits around X and so one of these is
the one that once in a while, every 100 (arbitrary to make the point because I don't know the actual's all theory anyway) orbits or so
around X, it comes close to Earth. So it may be this other planet that causes the gravitational and/or electromagnetic fluctuations that seem so
prominent a part of Earth's ancient folk lore and mythological history...
Just my two cents...however I think a larger threat we face, and much more serious in the here and now, is that the USA, Russia and China (not to
mention the others) have over 20,000 active and ready to go nuclear bombs that could be delivered at a moment's notice. We have some seriously
pressing societal problems here on earth including, energy crisis, religious disagreements (to put it mildly), water shortages that will only get
worse, racial problems, corruption in finance and trade of scarce resources like Diamonds, a major health care crisis in the United States and third
world countries, and food shortages (also expected to get worse along with energy shortages and water disputes)....
In my opinion, we will be damn lucky to even make it as a civilization to even see X come around if or when it does...