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Voter Fraud ????

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posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 06:52 PM
Of all the various videos and reports I found this one fact the most compelling evidence that there was voter fraud, and I've yet to hear an adequate explanation.

If you segregate the polling results in the NH primaries between hand counted precincts and Diebold counted precincts you get the following results for Ron Paul and Obama,

Ron Paul | Obama
Hand 15% | 52.53%
Diebold 8% | 46.77%



The Hand count results as a polling scheme would suggest an Obama
victory and a move of Ron Paul from 5th place to 3rd place.

This latter anomaly is quite disturbing from a statistical point of
view. It suggests that the use of voting machines changes the results
of the vote. I am worried that this means that we are no longer
living in a constitutional republic.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 07:31 PM
If Ron Paul does not ask for a re count, he looses my full support!!!

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by humanabyss

It costs money and since he's not close enough for a win it wouldn't be worth the expense. However it would be crazy for Obama (if he weren't a tool of the NWO) to not demand such a recount. Unfortunately I'm sure they've told him that they've already chosen their candidate for this election. What this may mean is that the powers that be have chosen Hitlery as our glorious new leader.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:03 PM
hey seven: so did Jesus die only for the sins of the Republicans? Did he also die for the sins of Democrats? If he did for both, what does or should religion have to do with any of this? And do you believe that smearing someone simply by making fun of their name is righteous? In my opinion you do your religious cause (as per your advertisement for Jesus and the cross idol) a terrible disservice when you come in with a political agenda and insult someone who by your very own dogma is or could also be a member of the flock.

***for those not ATS members or signed in, you may not be able to see his avatar. It is a cross, then a new image flashes a bar code with a message that it is bought and paid for, then a new image appears spewing the died for our sins mantra *****

And just think, 10 more months of these people and this garbage!!! god help us all!

[edit on 10-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 09:20 PM
it was posted in another thread that Kucinich wanted a recount

here it is

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:37 PM
reply to post by skyshow

It took me a while to even figure out what you were talking about.
Given Hillary's long track record of abject corruption and given her known dictatorial persona, I feel the moniker is justified. I have no respect for her. Her misdeeds are in the public record and should be called to account. Unfortunately we fail to have an independent media.

As for the republicans they are almost as corrupt and I'm not a George Bush supporter. Perhaps that bursts your little christian right stereotype.

posted on Jan, 10 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by gkgoten100

Good for Kucinich. He is the only other truly independent candidate in the race. Unfortunately he really does seem a little nutty. Ron Paul only seems nutty because constitutional government is now a foreign and quaint concept to the American people.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 01:10 AM
I'd really like to learn about this "abject" corruption you refer to sir. The only "true" pattern of corruption I have encountered was inside Christendom herself where it was regularly dictated to us in brainwashing sessions in the Christian school and church I had to attend while growing up that no matter what next Democrat it was who was running in office was always the next "anti-Christ"... how the beautiful whore on the white stallion operates with her two best friends government and business (the iron triangle: Church, State & Business; Church needs the State to stay off her back while the State needs the Church to mobilize people, while Business can take advantage of regulation, or de-regulation at the pivitol moments while Business also relies on the Church frequently to move merchandise while politicians need money from business to run campaigns and cash in on bribes--and so it's a big gigantic 60's era love fest where ideally all benefit, but it takes a broken, scared, apathetic and complacent brainwashed public to go along with it is the general idea of how this construct works...see church and all it's icons are part of this and church goers are being used something silly to say the least in my opinion.) and with the free consent of millions of willing believers? Ah, but I digress.

Seriously not all in the "system" are bad people per se' but I try to avoid voting for the ones who rely on it almost solely. Instead I try to find those who seek improvements to better humankind. During undergrad I took a bunch of poly-scy courses, a ton of history, before finding a different major, and even after graduate school have found it of great interest if not entertaining to study and learn about our leaders. In terms of Hillary, I find her record and background quite impressive to say the least. If you do some research (and not from the GOP, or what Rush Limbaugh, or even your leaders at church dish out) I think you will find as I have, that she has a remarkable record in furthering women's rights around the world, indeed all over the world, and her push for health care reform in this country has been bold and a real step forward albeit unable to defeat the multi-billion dollar establishment of managed care, insurance companies and big pharma...her background all the way from being a Wellesley Girl (where she majored in political science and began as a college Republican before dumping them because of her views regarding civil rights which she worked hard to improve on campus) , to helping bring down the corrupt Nixon administration, to working in law (A Yale Law graduate) to being first lady of the Great State of Arkansas 4 different terms and First Lady of the United States of America for two terms, and her ability to forge ties with other leaders and make friends for us all around the world (you have to realize that the Clinton's were terrific entertainers and guests and have a wonderful reputation around the world...we could use some emotional intelligence these days in repairing our tarnished, if not broken foreign relationships with other's in leadership roles.), and finally serving as a United States Senator for the Great State of New York. Anyway, do some research, and if you turn up anything definitive, that without a doubt implicates her in proven corruption, let's hear it. Remember Star & Right Winger-vill spent more investigating the Clinton's than we have the 911 attacks, and I think we all know what they finally were able to prove. Millions and millions of dollars spent, and that's what we got for our money. So please sir, you already said she was corrupt, so tell us, tell me how, because I would like to know, in fact your side would like to know these facts, so let's hear them.

[edit on 11-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 11-1-2008 by skyshow]

[edit on 11-1-2008 by skysho

[edit on 11-1-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 01:47 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by humanabyss

It costs money and since he's not close enough for a win it wouldn't be worth the expense. However it would be crazy for Obama (if he weren't a tool of the NWO) to not demand such a recount. Unfortunately I'm sure they've told him that they've already chosen their candidate for this election. What this may mean is that the powers that be have chosen Hitlery as our glorious new leader.

Last time I checked we still had 50 states. Calling a winner after three states is something even Fox "News" won't attempt.

Starred and flagged OP. Good job. Every vote must count. We have to be vigilant this time around. You know what they say "Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice... er... won't get fooled again."

Edit: Forgot to mention Obama didn't "lose" actually anyway. The outcome from NH is that they split exactly the number of delegates. No real reason to fight that. But there is still plenty of reason for us to care that our votes are counted.

[edit on 11-1-2008 by flashback]

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by skyshow

It's a bit off topic and has been dealt with in other threads. I don't view her as the antichrist. I just view her as another corrupt politician. We have a lot of them so it's not particularly unique. I'll tell you what, I'll stop calling your hero Hitlery if you stop denigrating christians.

As for her corruption, you can start with the sites I linked to earlier. The fact is though most of the front runners, including Hillary, Obama and Huckabee are seriously corrupt. They made it on to Judicial Watch's 2007 list of the 10 most corrupt politicians.
Most Corrupt Politicians

Personally I will not be voting for any of the politicians on this list, even if they win their parties respective nominations. I seek higher ethical standards for my leaders and thus my vote is for Ron Paul.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

What about Juliani? I've read a lot of articles about him and supposedly wrong doings. Look, I may or may not even vote for Hillary. My point was there is a bunch of smearing and mud slinging going on (remember when Ross Perot had stated "and one of the parties has made an art form out of it"...future reference to Rove et. al perhaps???) and there have been mountains of allegations against the Clinton's, and hundreds of millions of dollars spent, and even a Grand Jorey does not issue forth any charges. At some point then (like what is it now some 15 years or so) we have to give it up and support the system with faith that it has done it's job. Nothing has ever, not one ioda of anything to prove these allegations trumped up and in tin foil hat right winger's all bunk. If it was there Star and the hundreds of millions spent on investigations and that Witch hunt surely would have turned up something other than a blow job right? She's clean yo! Besides look at her record...amazing lady and a wonderful humanitarian. Now let's look at what some of the others have done.

posted on Jan, 11 2008 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by skyshow

I believe Giuliani makes number 5 on the list of corruption, so no I won't be voting for him. As for why there is no grand jury on the Clintons, it should be pretty clear by now. The fact is if you are a good lackey it seems justice can't touch you. Look Hastert was taking bribes from Turkish agents according to eyewitness testimony and nothing was done about him. The press and the powers that be protect their own, especially if they have something to lose. The Clintons are an insider group of political mafia. It would take an act of God to get them. Eventually though justice will be served. God sees all.

posted on Jan, 14 2008 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by skyshow

As for why there is no grand jury on the Clintons, it should be pretty clear by now.

But there was...Clinton had to testify, but the jury found nothing. That's my point, there have been all these trumped up allegations but where the rubber meats the pavement, we continue to get nothing. If there is no smoke and flames, then it's most likely that the forest isn't on fire.

posted on Jan, 15 2008 @ 07:37 PM
She totally stole the election

posted on Jan, 16 2008 @ 10:15 PM
I saw a totally biased hit piece on Fox news with regards to the recount effort. They ridiculed Kucinich and then claimed that of course it will just affirm Hillary's win and that it was just a waste of money. They were extremely shrill and strident in their dislike of the recount effort. Hmmm.

My next question is how do they plan on fixing the recount? Who's observing the process? How can they verify it?

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 02:51 AM
I wish it were easy to stay on top of the recount efforts. It's so important to make sure that we don't get screwed again. Man, it makes me sick. Media just doesn't care. American Gladiators is on...

posted on Jan, 23 2008 @ 04:41 AM
The solution to rigged or slashed ballot boxes, fraud allegations and recounts is blatanyly simple...have armed members of the Iraqi police guard each ballot box during every stage of the process to ensure a full and fair process in the formation of a democratic US government...

...oooh, the irony

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