Ι will continue to post here for the people who are still interested. I will not tollerate any further unduly swears and insults. In case I see that
again I'll quit as I don't think it will worth to continue discussing with such kind of persons.
Ofcourse I don't know the background of the Dr. and his deggree of knowledge about the Bnai Brith jewish (secret) society hieararchy and methods but
althought in some parts I strongly disagree nevertheless I respect his general thesis about this as he seems like an educated person and a gentleman.
Dr. I would also keep an interested look for further commentation in this thread in case you change your mind..
An interesting source of information about bnai brith secret or "not so secret" society is the following:
And ofcourse bnai is connected with the masonic network pretty high in the hierarchy. They also have initiation ceremonies and initiation
certificates. As for the connection of zionism and masonry it is common knowledge that masons are actually cabbalistic rituals practitoners (see:
Albert Pike) and their lodges are actually a micrograph of the temple of solomon. (see: the hiram myth and piles of boaz & Jachin) It is no fascist
world view it is a damn close to reality world view.
About the archrabbi thing it is a term widely and currently used by Rabbi's to describe their higher priesthood hierarchy rank. I don't find any
evidence that they stopped using this term and this rank.
All of the above are connected to the transcripts. And you will understand that some people who rushed to insult conclusions are dead wrong and with a
suspect behavior, ignorant of the details and history.
Lets see a fraction of what HRG has to say about Bnai Brith and affiliated secret societies: (explains a lot of past inquires)
The text is specific addressed to masons of various hierarchies and uses certain hidden meaning concepts not broadly understood by the
…“profane” world.
The Scottish and the French doctrine are commanded by the tertiary staff of “Benen Berith” and “Olam Berith” or “Lodge of the Grand Oak”
of New York, chief lodge of the “Argonauts 21”, in theory the tertiary staffs Ordo Adeptis Atlantis and Benen Berith, hate its other to the death,
because they correspondigly have “higher leaders”, the Tamil – “Devil” and Yahweh “God”. The hatred of the two orders came to such a
point that made possilbe to cause two world wars, in which the “bad” german leaders obeyd to lodges Ordo Adeptis Atlantis or Tamil underchthonics
and the “good” allies obeyd to lodges Benen Berith or Yahweh heavenlies.
Because we are not having empathy against the hellenes masons of the legislative, legal, executive, military, cleric and economical authority, and
because the members of HRG are mostly “awakened” members of the above sectors, “sleepers” and “active” in the masonic world view, because
of that we are calling the hellenes masons to cancel their masonic oaths. We give to them the chance to undestand the following and to exit on time
from hebrewmasonry:
It is known to you by your “special initiations” above the 18th degree that the forces Asmodai, Metatron and nomenclatures that end with –IEL
under the general characterization “Tetragrammaton YHWH straight upper triangle” are forces that eminate from Levan (moon) or Levanhiah. Alike it
is known that Levanhiah is not a natural satellite of earth but an artificial planet – ship originated from the constellation E’ Bootes and
Hercules. Those are for you that have only an MTM initiation. For those of you that have OTO initiation, it is known that behind Levan (moon) and in a
synchronus orbit with moon lies the sister ship of same size which is called “Lilith”.
Because neither of you has initiation AOA meaning a “tertiary” of Atlantis Ordo Adeptis, we promulgate to you the results of the HRG recorded
transcripts in sessions of the Lodge of the Grand Oak, New York (Benen Berith) (Olam Berith):
1) The ships “Levan” and “Lilith” (moon and lilith) came into the solar system in 11.500 B.C. and entered orbit around earth in 11.432 BC with
same linear velocities. In 9.600 B.C. Lilith accelerated and stabilized in same angular velocities with the moon, in order that the three bodies,
Lilith-Levan-Earth to lay continusly in a straight line (see “Cabala”)
2) Because the planet earth was in a higher cultular level, from a previous colonization by the center of local galaxy in cooperation of the central
galaxy Andromeda and the rest 11 galaxies of the local group of galaxies “KNOZ”, the new collonizers form “Levan” and “Lilith” accepted as
“under terms guests”, from the thirteenmembership (and not twelvemembership) staff of Zeus, as a temporary planet commander in anticipation of a
new thirteenmembership staff from the center of local galax, bacause of the rebelion by the planetary leader of planet Saturn against the solar system
leader with headquartes the planet Uranus. The are of Atlantis was given to the setlers from “Levan” and “Lilith” under the terms of keeping
the population analogy to 1:108 in comparison to the already present population of the planet and respect of the pre-existed cultular trend and
language (archetype hellenic) of the planet, as an official cultular trend and language of the local group of galaxies. (see: demystification of
Hesiod’s Theogony)
3) The governors of ships “Levan” and “Lilith” accepted the terms and discharged, from 11.000 B.C. to 10.500 B.C, using transport ships,
populations from E’Bootes to Atlantis. Right after they violated the terms and genocided the hellenes of atlantis through the sinking of the area
using lunar hypergravity technology, while they, already informed by the lunar staff, had already started to depart and colonize the eastern coasts of
the american continent, the eastern coasts of Siberia and China and the western coasts of Africa and Europe (Basque), where they started systematic
genocide of the hellenicdiallect local nationalities. At the same time by using the same technology of hypergravity they sunk the hellenicdiallect
dravidian aegis, where lies todays mediterranean sea. At the same time the agresive ships from Selene and Lilith attacked against the galactic fleet
of Zeus and occupied the 6 inner planets. They blow away 3 out of 12 planets of our solar system, because they believed that carried bases of the Zeus
forces. Finally the fleet of Zeus divided in 3 parts one of which departed to the already existed bases inside the inner cavity of our planet, the
other third departed to the 3 outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), and the lastone departed completely form the solar system in order to inform the
local Galaxy center for the crimes of Asmodai and Tamil, respective governors of Levan and Lilith.
The final conflict and sinking of Atlantis and Aegis is dated by the lodge of the Grand Oak in 9.600 B.C., and it’s probably the actual date because
it is cross-referenced by the ancient manuscripts of “Timaios and Kritias” of Plato.
4) The forces of Zeus that escaped inside the inner cavity of earth from the two holes of North and South Pole, preclude the dominance of Lebanians
and Lilithians (Israelites – Mongols – Arabs) in this planet, because they have technology for telepathetic communication with their
representative (Zeus priesthoods) and they inform them about the strategic moves of the adversaries that aim to genocide the hellenicdialects
In precisly that point Tamil under the command of his superior Asmodai or Yehowa of the Moon, sends crews of Lilith to organize underground cities in
the earth’s crust that will fake-act the Zeus subordinates. Such underground cities exist right down from the pyramids in Mongolia, Egypt, Babylon,
Mesopotamia, South America etc, and aditionaly right down from natural pyramids that formed by earth’s mountains.
Concerning Greece we note that the department of technology of HRG has located such installations that emit lowfrequency sounds and other frequencies,
in the places of undergroud lodges characterized by mythology as “tunels that lead to Hadis”. We refer among others to Heleusina, Dodoni, Pelion,
with the larger located mechanological installation that of mountain Sarakinos of Magnesia in a depth of 100 meters from the sea level and with lodges
that communicate with caves of its mountaintop. (Triangle alike: Dimenion – Goritsa of Volos – Sarakinos Volou – “The triangle of Iolkos” is
inspected by lunar ships every September or October).
Those underground forces of Lilithians uses tecnhology of telepathy which because of lower range from the earth’s surface overcomes the transmitions
by the forces of Zeus from the inner earth and achieve to corrupt the earthly “Zeus priesthoods” driving them to degeneration of
Spirit-Arts-Matter, to idolatry, to sexual lack of restrain (see: Vakhes and Mainades), to civil wars, to moral rampage, to myths that present the
staff of Zeus as a “collection of vain drunkers, sexmanians that demand a worship of idols and blood of subjects”.
Those underground forces are characterized by the …holy scripture as “The Devil”, and by the masonry as “Tamil Forces”. The “Tamil
forces” is the religius infastracture of Buddism and the second Induism. They are the forces invocated by the newlyfounded Theosophical lodges and
propagandized by the “proHellenic” organizations like the “New Acropolis”, department of the Theosophical Society (Tamil).
The are the underground VRILL forces of America, ZEN of Mongolia-Thibet and others that created telepathetic “shows” of power to the SS of Himler,
during special initiations to Bavarian towers. They are the same forces that through the politicians of the “New Right”, who belong to
theosophical lodges will try to turn Europe to Nazi Europe form 1988 to 1995 having as leader Hellas, which will presented to the European public as
“degenerate warmongering Zeus and Apollonians”, “Black sexual magic of degenerate Venus” and other similar in order for the final defamation
of Zeus staff and the anihilation of those who still love the light of the galactic civilization, the archetype civilization of the planet of the
hellenistic civilization. (see: “Nazism: Secret Society” and “The Apocrypha of Enoch”).
We judge necessary to refer that the three branches Israelites – Arabs – Mongols have separate roles of genociding their adversaries, by using as
tools the three major religions – Christianity – Mohhammedanism – Buddism. Mohhadenanism teaches that God (Allah or Al Yah or Al Yahweh) lives
in the moon!!!
Buddism teaches that God lives in the center of the earth under Mongolia – Thibet as a projection “Ta-Han – Tso –Han@ of the … universal
logos, and that from there will came the “ruller of the world”.
Christianity teaches that “the woman (organization) of God stands on Levan (moon)” (Based on the moon), meaning that have as “central base the
moon” (See: “John’s apocalypse” Bible, IB’1)
The above as concerns the A-O-A initiation.
We have any reason to combine the above with the lunar installations that literlay “drove crazy” the american astronauts when they landed. For the
ignorants we refer that the crews of “apollo” sent reports for “ships and lunar installations of unknown origin”, and for a “second moon”
(Lilith) behind the first moon.
We clearout that althought the Judaic priesthood is called Levanio or Levitico, meaning “Lunar Priesthood”, in the bible the term Iera-Selene or
Jerousalem is preffered in the Hellenistic attribution.
The event is enlighted completely by the allusions of John’s Apocalypse C’12 where the new Holy Levan (moon) (Jerusalem) “lands” in order to
“settle among people”, memorizing movie messages that they have ingeniously and deviously served to us throught the “encounters of the third
kind”. In the specific movie by the hebrew director Steven Spielberg, the flag of the earthlings is white with a black triangle that has its base
downwards and its top upwards, just right the triangles Tetragrammaton YHWH of the masonic lodges. In contrary the visitors, right before the
appearance of the monstrus mothership, send for scouting three minor ships that stabilize in the air and create a tringale with its base upwards and
its top downwards. The two tringles, straight and reverse, combined are the cabbalist sixpointed “Star of Solomon” and the official flag of
For those who still doubt the seriouness of these writings, we refer to a fraction of the Orpheic comments by Proklos, No.9, Timaion 41, 283, 11 Erman
Diels: (translation)
“He created (Saturn?) another infinite (spherical) earth, which the Gods named Selene(moon) and the human Minin. She has many mountains, many
cities, many megara”.