posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 04:12 AM
My view is that alternate realities are only being created in the moments (momentous ones are moments of truth) and not through backward time
If backward time travel were possible, then a parallel universe would originate at the point of departure of the traveller from his moment (wherein he
is absent from the influence over events in the immediate future of his time)... but the point he reaches in the past is part of the universe that
originated from that future, unrelated to some core past reality that would have continued in quite enjoyment of its own unfolding had the time
travelling interloper not stepped into it. The parallel universe does not exist in the unfolding past time and no history in our world is changed as a
Looking for an example, you will need to show an instance of a time traveller from the future arriving in any time on record to date, aside from the
debunked publicity stunts. Human history to date might be interesting to us but really it would not be that relevant to travellers from the future,
who would have no need nore deisre to visit the dark ages of the first 60,000 years of human civilization with its stupid wars and religions and
wanton destruction of the biosphere through greed and industry. What points in history so far could truly have been influenced by some future hand?
The great moments in humanity are yet to occur.
But alternate realities are interesting in their own right, and What If Nots are more telling than What Ifs. If certain events had not unfolded for me
on December 18, my What If Not would be an alternate reality with less spark and urgency and purpose than the range of What Ifs that are in front of
me now. It must be less painful to ponder and reflect in old age on one's risks and rewards and wish fulfilments than it is to think about "if only
I hads".
Which goes to show, when you enter a Topic at ATS from the perspective of some dream or goal about the future, you'll take some of them with you with
your logic and leave others to wander away saying "WTF?"