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Thoughts on cloning?

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posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 08:59 AM
The thoughts about could, should, or would....

If people were machines, I'd say, sure...why not?

But, I subscribe to the idea that people are powered by souls. Basically, your 'mind' is incorporated with your soul.
Where does a soul come from? hmm....this is another debate. But me, I believe that they were part of a creation from a higher being (namely, God).

Now, the body can replicated....sure. But what about a soul? You can't make another soul.

The thing with people making babies again, thats just stupid. Thats like your black lab getting hit by a car, and buying another black lab. Not the same dog. It only looks the same.

Here is another question.....If a person is cloned, does that clone have parents?

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 08:59 AM
cause of to less donated body parts people are dying cause they miss something they must have.
with cloning donating bodyparts if you die isn't necassery cause you can make it and but it in the person with out using medicans for the case of that if it was donated the dna isn't the same and the body will not excapt it.

- no more long time use of medicine
- only create a part you need
- if something is wrong you could modify the dna so you filter out the mallfunction.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by grankor
The thoughts about could, should, or would....

If people were machines, I'd say, sure...why not?

But, I subscribe to the idea that people are powered by souls. Basically, your 'mind' is incorporated with your soul.
Where does a soul come from? hmm....this is another debate. But me, I believe that they were part of a creation from a higher being (namely, God).

Now, the body can replicated....sure. But what about a soul? You can't make another soul.

The thing with people making babies again, thats just stupid. Thats like your black lab getting hit by a car, and buying another black lab. Not the same dog. It only looks the same.

Here is another question.....If a person is cloned, does that clone have parents?

a soul is empty but is being filled and created by feelings, senses, nursering, teaching, your soul will be formed.

if you copy a person and the information in his/her brain long and short term you will form the empty soul as it becomes identical to the one of the original.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by MarkLuitzen
a soul is empty but is being filled and created by feelings, senses, nursering, teaching, your soul will be formed.

That's an opinion. Souls can't be studied, just speculated about. The very existence of a soul can't be proven, so what it it is and does is open game.

[Edited on 11-2-2004 by grankor]

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 09:05 AM
It is not stupid to clone a baby really, the child died very shortly after birth, meaning it had developed no personality yet. Since they are cloning the same baby, it would have the same mind, therefore would develop the same personality, as the other baby would have, if it had not died.

About the soul business. I myself do not believe in souls, but I still am compassionate. I think cloning humans without full understanding of the technology would be unfair, to the clone, as many have said. However, Rael claims his clones are fully healthy and getting along well.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 11:01 AM
Maybe we will get as far as cloning livestock, to feed poverty-ridden nations.

There will also be experiments in cloning humans, although there will never be widespread cloning, I belive the government will try cloning a human and will probably suceed.

posted on Feb, 11 2004 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by AttackHippo
Cloning may have long term benefits to science and health, but I think that cloning humans is too risky. We dont want to end up with mutants or anything.

I read somewhere that longterm cloning is bad for people. Eventually we will all be the same person because there will be no diversity in our DNA.

posted on Apr, 20 2004 @ 08:25 AM
Posted by QuestforSaftey


It is not stupid to clone a baby really, the child died very shortly after birth, meaning it had developed no personality yet. Since they are cloning the same baby, it would have the same mind, therefore would develop the same personality, as the other baby would have, if it had not died.

About the soul business. I myself do not believe in souls, but I still am compassionate. I think cloning humans without full understanding of the technology would be unfair, to the clone, as many have said. However, Rael claims his clones are fully healthy and getting along wel


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[Edited on 20-4-2004 by sanctum]

[Edited on 20-4-2004 by sanctum]

[Edited on 20-4-2004 by sanctum]

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 08:25 PM
it would be possible to basically live for ever..just keep gettin some new organs. population wise..uho..yet you could clone a broad topic

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by TekNo88
I wish i could clone my dead cat...i loved that cat...
Ahh, but you can. Check out this site:

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 08:43 PM
Cloning is cool and can be useful, but as to the assertions that one will be able to live forever, thats not 100% necessairly true in a biological sense.
The clone does not have the memories nor the same mental characteristics, etc. as the host from which the clone was made from. The clone may look like you but will not act or be like you. I am a bit amiss how this would cause people to think that if one clones themselves, 'they' would somehow 'live forever'.


[Edited on 28-4-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 29 2004 @ 09:45 AM
That is until we are hyper advanced in bio-physics.
The idea I had would be to wait until we are able to
make a trinary (0,1, or 2) Rom dump of the person's mind, store it while the cloned body is being developed.
Then when the time has come reprogram the clone's brain with the rom dump. The kicker is whatever the
person has experienced etc would be an available memory and the individual would have at that moment
an identical personality, until environmental circumstances affect the clone differently then it would be a derivative of the original personality and cease being like the original. As for the question of a soul, if you had to be 'sent back' for a purpose that
became unfinished then it would be a formality of possessing the clone's body/mind. Otherwise the soul factor is still undefinable. I would be inclined to think that if the Gods allowed us to do this in the first place there would be a safe-stop here and the Gods would make a new/refurbished soul for this new body, almost no different that a child being born in the normal fashion.

Genetically speaking btw.. a clone would not be a "son" or "daughter", but actually more like a half-sibling,cousin, or twin sibling of the original depending on the type of cloning involved.
(Ref:Sci-Am Jan 2002)

I think it would bring a lot of hope for infertile couples who have no other choice left. Cloning for organs, since they are made to replicate the organ and not the person then it is spiritually inert and therefore morally acceptible.

Another good reference on this subject is:
Wired Jan 2004.

[Edited on 29-4-2004 by Crysstaafur]

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