reply to post by blurryone
I have read excerpts and reviews and overviews of "The Shock Doctrine" and I am going to the bookstore this evening to purchase it. The thing is,
frm everything I have read so far it is actually highlighting corporate socialism more so then free market capitalism. It's about when Libertarian
Economic Doctrine meets CIA death squad. It in fact highlights exactly the kind of Corporate-Government collusion I was refrencing. The only
difference was that it was not the government of the countries who suffered who were acting with the help of corporations but was in fact a foreign
Government acting on behalf of multi-national corporations.
Truly, it is not the companies that we need protection from. If a company does something bad everyone stops buying their product. The problem is that
if a company does something bad now and we stop buying their product, the government subsidizes the product of the failing large company then puts the
smaller competitive companies (who have yet to dissuade the consumers) into a no win situation by undercutting their unsubsidized product in favor of
protecting the interests of the larger more wealthy (read politically connected) company. Most Libertarian Right economists agree that without the
collusion of government the idea of multi-national all powerful corporations just is not realistic. Economies would localize because their would be
less inhibiting the creation of wealth, as opposed to a controlled economy where we serfs have to wait for the
existing wealth to "trickle down". If we look at the history of every major corporation starting with the British East India company right on up
till now you will find a history full of government restricitons on upstart competitors and even Government troops being used not only to break
strikes but also to be actually used as laborers in lieu of striking employees!!
The idea that the United States of the 20th century is an example of a free market is complete and utter nonsense and in my opinion is a much better
example of a Government controlled economy.
Indeed, it is the Government that will willingly sell itself that we should fear.
What we must remember is that the idea of left vs right, or Socialist vs Communists vs Democrat vs. Republican is a bunch of nonsense.
The Bolshevik revolution was funded by Central bankers.
The Third Reich was financed by American industrialists.
The American Industrial Revolution was funded by taxes against Southern agrarians and their Slave culture.
Our enemy as little people have always been the Financial elitists who also happen to be the same people who have always and will always run
government. The only way to be free of "them" is to have an economic system where there is not a single currency that is controlled by a single
issuer, where we do not have to pay with our money the troops who in turn are going to destroy our businesses or other peoples countries for th esake
of "their corporations, a system where we can endeavor and venture into business without arbitrary restrictions placed upon us by a Government whose
ultimate goal is to protect the assets of the people who run the government against the competition we would create.
How we can expect the people in power to protect us from themselves!?!
Thus we need a truly free market. Our government now calls Managed trade Free trade right to our face!! NAFTA CAFTA etc is not free trade. If it was
free the government would not have to have any agreements and would not be making special rules and exemptions for material or labor or transport etc!
If it wa sfree the government need not be inolved. Laws do nto create freedom, only restrict it.
Wish I had a single book to reference.
Look into the history of the industrialization of the US. All of those monopolies that were broken up by government intervention were also created by
that very same governments intervention. Funny right?