posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 11:59 AM
I don't know if war is really what this whole NWO thing is leading up to, at least not some sort of nuclear holocaust. If all-out war breaks out, the
guys at the top will not make as much money in the long run after you take into account population loss and irradiation and rebuilding. In other wars
the Rockeffelers and Morgans made millions, but that was before nuclear and biological weapons were as widely available. No, it's going to be small
proxy wars that are just meant to keep us distracted and keep us afraid.
There is no way for an Orwelian nightmare to be imposed on us, we will ask for it. Well, I won't, but the majority of people scared of losing what
few jobs remain here and scared #less by the threat of "terrorism" are going to ask for things like chipping and surveilance. Starting March of this
year, we are going to be required to carry the national ID card, equipped with an RF Chip. We will need this card to drive legally, open a bank
account at a federal bank, etc. There soon will be almost no way to survive outside of this system, whether or not you believe the bible prophesies,
this is about as close to the "mark" as you can get. Combine this with the Patriot Act, and the Violent Radicalisation and Homegrown Terrorism
Prevention, and we have....
Government allowed to search your home without your presence or knowledge, unchecked surveillance of both the internet and phone lines, all in the
attempt to prevent "terrorism," buuuut terrorism is now a thought crime. Being declared a "terrorist" or "Enemy Combatant" (which are defined by
the president) means you can be arrested without charges, detained indefinately without the right to a trial, and denied access to a lawyer, all
because you have radical ideas or views opposed to the current system. whew.
And the whole religious aspect...There is no such thing as Satanism, it was invented by the catholic church to scare people. And people who say they
are Satanists are lying or stupid. I've studied the occult and there is really nothing sinister about it, it basically boils down to a system of
mental transfiguration. Aleister Crowley himself states in the Satanic Bible that it is called that just to freak people out, its all symbolic, really
a religion about humanism, which is far from evil. There is no God and there is no Satan, its just about control.
The war is against us. The question is how do we fight back?