posted on Jan, 26 2009 @ 01:29 AM
whoever said that it had to be based off something, im sure it did, but no matter wat they show in the films, they obviously made it up, im sure if
there is a 3rd movie, it will show u wat happens on page 47, but for ppl who dont know, it wont be true, also someone would have to go in very deep
into this, as far as i no, this is only a myth, but it could exsist. Somebody would have one hell of a imagination to think of something that smart
and creative, but u never no. To our knowledge, the only thing we no about this book is that it is a myth, and if it does exsist, the only thing we
no is that it contains the most top secret knowledge in our country, even in the world, dont go getting ur hopes up, and there is a very big chance we
wont no the truth unless the president himself decides to tell the world, and those chances r smaller then anything, but, you never know