posted on Jan, 8 2008 @ 02:01 AM
I have learned SO much from ATS.
So many "conspiracies" and people that I had never heard of.
I have also learned that there will always be someone (many) out there who will believe ANYTHING
just because its told to them. They can have
none or hardly any real concrete evidence and believe,
just because they can
I have also expanded my mind and become more open to things....yet remain pretty skeptical at the same time. Its a balance and I'm somehow managing
it. :LOL:
I also have learned about people and what goes on in their minds. More then I could have w/out ever coming here. Sort of like going to a zoo and
seeing how the animals live, think, interact, etc etc.
Many times my eyes roll.
Many times my eyes bug out from shock
Many times my eyes open wide in amazement and wonder
Many times I laugh my
arse off
Ive also been known to blow some steam
, after all...I
amhot and fiesty. LOL
But I have NEVER EVER EVER logged on here, read thru threads and walked away: bored, not challenged or with my mind blank and not thinking about the
things I read. I have never ending topics to think about, research and discuss with the people in my "real life".
This place rocks!
[edit on 8-1-2008 by greeneyedleo]