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Noticed any changes lately

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posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 11:13 PM
This may already have been done to death but I am throwing out there anyway............
Has anyone noticed any changes lately by way of weather patterns etc…
I have made some observations over the past few years about how summers have been arriving later and later and have been very mild and winters not as cold. I have also noticed that sun rise/set times appear “out of wack” It is currently mid summer in Brisbane and should be almost full daylight by 04:30 but it is not light until 05:00-05:30. Not only that but the temps recently have not gone much past 24º C while the southern states (Victoria/South Australia which are usually colder and wetter) are experiencing record breaking heat waves and bush fires.
I have mentioned these things to some friends and family but have been dismissed but after reading some posts on ATS and other Forums it seems I am not the only one thinking this way.
I would like to hear some other peoples P.O.V. on this be it personal observations, theories or factual details.
I am already anticipating comments from Doomsdayers, Biblical Scholars, Scientists, Nay Sayers and even Nibiru Devotees. All input is welcome.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 10:47 PM
I'm in the san joaquin valley in california, and I've noticed some changes im my life time. When I was a child every winter it would be cold enough on many days, that rain puddles would freeze up and the canals would freeze over. The first frost was always around halloween as were the winter rains, it would go either way, if it rained around halloween it would be a wet, but mild winter. If it frosted near halloween then it would be a cold a dry winter. El Nino/La Nina patterns?
The raisin grapes went on the ground in sept and it never rained on them, the cotton was picked in nov, we would go pheasant hunting in freshly picked cotton fields, over thanksgiving.
The leaves were all off of the tree's by the begining of dec. The first snows in the mtns were in nov. with the last coming in april.
The first 100 deg days were well into june and we NEVER had tornados, and we had late august thunder storms.
Now the first frost isnt till dec. no appricable snows till dec/jan. The grapes are being picked earlier and earlier, the cotton is all in and the fields plowed under by thanksgiving. The first hot days are in early may now and we have tornados now.
When I moved into the house im in the sweet gum trees would drop all of their leaves by the end of oct, there are still green leaves in the trees now, and if it doesnt freeze soon they will not have dropped all of their leaves before spring gets here in 1-1/2 months.
I thought the sun/time thing seemed a little out of whack, but I just racked it up to being old.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 11:30 PM
It's called the weather, it always changes.

posted on Jan, 6 2008 @ 05:33 AM
I know weater changes but is usually at least a little consistant season to season but the seasons seem to be changing their timing. Also the sun rise/set thing shouldnt change....or at least to be so noticable season to season. I am gad punkinworks has seen it too. I also thought I was imagining it but am seeing more now that I am looking for it and as mentoned above others have also noticed. I was also curious if it was a global thing which seemed to have been confirmed for me now. Look at the news and you wil also see extreme weather in all parts of the world. I know we have not been around long enough or have recoded weather long enough to know the full cycles properly but the drastic changes has just caught my attention and wanted to know other peoples ideas

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
It's called the weather, it always changes.

With that I agree, but the RATE of change is wrong... Something is going down on this planet. What it is, I don't know, but I guess were gunna find out.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 07:50 PM

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by VIKINGANT

Your cool and wet weather is being caused by the monsoon trough at the moment which is anchored over the central tropics (which is more south than usual at the moment). Moisture is being brought into the south east queensland region by off shore winds driven by a high pressure system off the south coast of New Zealand, but at the same time those winds are swinging south after crossing the coast near brisbane (moisture is drained after air moves over land and air heats up as it moves over land in this case) bringing hot winds to Victoria and New South Wales. Thats why it is cool near you and hotter down south.

Any more questions just ask

From your friendly Bureau of Meteorology employee


posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by Johnmike
It's called the weather, it always changes.

LOL, yes it is and I for one agree with you. We have only been here for a short while and we have only recorded history for a portion of that time, so how can we determine what the natural cycles should and should not be?

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 09:30 PM

Originally posted by spyder207

Originally posted by Johnmike
It's called the weather, it always changes.

LOL, yes it is and I for one agree with you. We have only been here for a short while and we have only recorded history for a portion of that time, so how can we determine what the natural cycles should and should not be?

You are correct, but dont you think that the changes in climate have been pretty drastic as of late?

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 09:39 PM

Great, and well presented explanation!

But you're explanation is missing the point of why things are different in the first place. What are the "root" causes of the odd weather?

Weather changes, sure, it could be that way.

But, things have gotten wacky at times. It's January. We just went from quite cold, being in the 20s -30s (F) during the day, to warm, up around 70, now we are decending back into the cold Winter weather again.

Sometimes it's hard to see the pattern of the seasons, but it's still there to a degree. Summer still hasn't gotten any freezing temps, but you do sometimes see those odd days where the temps are down in the 50s during the day. You still notice a change in the seasons, but the seasons seem to be interlaced with characteristics of other seasons.

I just saw buds on a tree not that long ago. I suppose those were killed when the cold weather came recently.

Folks, normal or not, we can't just shrug this off. We've got to figure out what is really going on, and somehow prepare. Tremendous loss of life could occur if a growing season were to be destroyed by freak freezing temps.


[edit on 9-1-2008 by cybertroy]

posted on Jul, 16 2008 @ 03:21 PM
What is going on with the weather!? We're having our 4th hail storm since the beginning of June. This is very unusual for us. It's an odd occurrence to have happen once during the summer.

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