Hi LeeHarvey,
If you haven't heard of us, Citizen Investigation Team has done the most comprehensive research on the Pentagon attack to date.
I have personally spoken with dozens of witnesses, first responders, victims, as well as some that have been demonstrated to be complicit in the
operation many of which we have filmed on location.
We have proven a deception in Arlington on that day and we have additional yet unreleased evidence that we are currently compiling further
demonstrating this.
I have to say that in my opinion your decision to start with analyzing the Pentagon security video isn't very logical if you are doing so while
questioning the validity of the official story.
The reason being is that this is data that 100% sequestered, controlled, and provided for by the suspect.
There isn't much logic in using this information as a means to validate the official story if you feel there is any evidence whatsoever to question
(Oh and there most certainly is that Lee! And plenty of it.)
That being said let's take a look at the details surrounding this dubious government supplied data.
The 5 frames were first released in March of 2002 but the DoD refused to even take credit for them!
"The Pentagon has not released any video or any photos from security cameras from the terrorist attack of Sept. 11," said Pentagon spokeswoman
Cheryl Irwin."
original source: Washington Post
Strangely, or perhaps not so, you can see how the article was removed from the Washington Post site but the page and heading still remains.
Fortunately I had taken a screen shot a while back.
So the 5 frames were "leaked" yet ignored for years until May 2006 when they "officially" released the same video and an additional view still not
showing anything definitive.
Despite all this unnecessary mystery the data itself is questionable even to the naked eye.
Forget about the wrong date stamp for a moment and consider the odd thick and squiggly smoke plume that appears in one frame.
It does not even cast a shadow while everything else in the video does.
Plus not a single witness in the entire investigative body of evidence mentions seeing this alleged smoke plume. Not one.
Also......the smoke plume and unidentifiable alleged flying object are perfectly level.
This is irreconcilable not only with the topography of the area that has the Pentagon at the bottom of a significant decline but also with the NTSB
provided black box data that allegedly came from flight 77.
Trends in the FDR itself depict a noticeable
descent angle.
Check out this 10 minute presentation demonstrating this fatal contradiction:
Really the only thing you can learn from the government controlled security video is what the suspect wants you to learn.
My opinion is that this data was meant to support the missile disinfo to throw people off from the real smoking guns and blatant contradictions such
1. The fact that the plane flew on the
north side of the former CITGO gas station making it
impossible to hit the light poles and cause all of the physical damage.
Lack of foundation damage to the building.
3. The fact that most of the previously unknown witnesses we could find on the street
describe the
plane as white.
4. The fact that the
government provided FDR is irreconcilable with the physical damage.
5. The fact that the plane was over DC skies as reported earlier by ABC news, the C-130 pilot, Norman Mineta, Colin Scoggins on the NORAD tapes, as
well as from an independent eyewitness we interviewed who was on the river.
All of these facts are fatal contradictions with the official story Lee.
There is no evidence that ANYTHING hit the Pentagon at all and the evidence proves that the plane really flew over the building timed perfectly with
the explosion to create the illusion that it hit.
The flyover is not a "freaky" theory Lee.
It is the
only alternative to the plane hitting the building because there is clear proof there was a plane and that it could not have hit.
Visit our site in my signature Lee and feel free to ask any questions you like.