posted on Jan, 3 2008 @ 10:09 AM
Capitalism and its baggage promotes individualism and fosters a better than/worse than attitude among many. It does create classes, there should be
little doubt of that.
Historically, communism/socialism has worked well to promote the spiritual side of humans. Not having attention drawn away from the mind to persue
material wealth and gain... perhaps we sometimes confuse material wealth/gain with utility to open the mind to new ideas and experiences.
Is there a spiritual aspect to becoming intimate with technology? Fire, houses, medicine - these are all primitive technologies from our current
perspective. Technology is the manipulation of nature and its forces, and even the most basic cultures manipulate nature - even chimpanzees manipulate
nature by crafting simple tools from what nature provides.
What definition of individualism are you referring to, anyway?
1. pursuit of personal goals: the pursuit of personal happiness and independence rather than collective goals or interests
3. belief in importance of individual: the belief that society exists for the benefit of individual people, who must not be constrained by government
interventions or made subordinate to collective interests
These definitions appear to be in contrast to one another on the surface, do you think they contrast?
Does a society cater to the individual, or does the individual cater to society?
The ideal would be both, correct? Where do you propose a balance?
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" is still individualism in a sense.
If you seek to end individualism as it is known to you, do you not accept that *you* are the starting point?
Other than that, is it not human nature to want and to desire? to be selfish?
If it is not our nature, then why are so many acting as if it is?
Do you think that humans are inherently prone to manipulation, and that their true nature can be hidden?
It appears that through reason, we can create a model of efficiency for our own race - a way to forego our own nature in order to progress more
Is this what you contend?