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Terrorism Information Awareness (TIA)

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posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 09:52 AM
As result of 911 the TIA program with the all seeing pyramid logo was started.

The original link was on the DARPA site but is now gone.
It can still be found on

What happened to this program ?

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 06:42 PM
man that is so freaky.....
Dude...I played a concert in La Baie ,Quebec
about 3 summers ago(this was before I had ANY knowledge of the N.W.O)

It was an outdoor concert and the location was a big man made
pyramid....just like on the logo and/or dollar bill ,you know the space where the all seeing eye is, well it had an open space just like it where
people could go up it and it was a look out.
my singer kept saying "what is this GIANT pyramid doing in this little town.
I thought nothing of it at the time(brain dead I guess) ...

Any way it was quite impressive...the whole one side of the pyramid opened
mechanicaly from the bottum up to expose a VERY IMPRESSIVE stage..
I mean for a small town..this thing was impressive.
also it it outfitted with an equally impressive sound and light system
that again is over-kill and very expensive for a little town.

so the night went on and I played heavy metal music in a pyramid
tunned to 440.....when i look back on it I now feel that just mabey we
/my band and I were used for some kind of occult ritual.
(metal is really not my thing but I also play with
"Misery the Metallica Experience" a plug...its just so You all know I`m not makin any of this up) this...
it turns out that this is "ground Zero" for a really really bad flood that
happened and the story is that this is to commemorate all those who lost thier lives homes and livelyhoods.(ya right)
from google the whole layout of the concert area looks creepy.
geometric shapes all over and the pyramid itself.
I`ll go and either get the co-ordinates for it or i`ll go to google and take
a screen-shot of it and post it soon. more thing ...10 kilometers away is canada`s command
control for their jet fighter group.
its pretty fishy.
for now here is a couple of photos and info but its all in french....sorry

[edit on 4-1-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 4-1-2008 by Maya432]

posted on Jan, 4 2008 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Maya432

Interesting to if I do say so myself. Metalica tribute band ehh, loud and technical I'm sure.

So a bunch of people died on that spot? If you learn more please post it.

posted on Jan, 5 2008 @ 06:05 AM
Under the guide of claiming its for 'Terrorism',
it is more likely that the T stands for TOTAL Information Awareness.

Oh yeah, the hive mind.......that their ultimate dark aim.

Regardless of whether you are Black, White Asian or Arab,
whether you are in the US or outside it, they want to own you.

The NWO dosent discriminate, it dosent care about race/colour/creed or caste........because they want EVERYBODY to bear the Mark of the Beast.
Its hilarious.

[edit on 5-1-2008 by vladmir]

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 12:47 PM

Originally posted by Maya432
man that is so freaky.....
Dude...I played a concert in La Baie ,Quebec
about 3 summers ago(this was before I had ANY knowledge of the N.W.O)

It was an outdoor concert and the location was a big man made
pyramid....just like on the logo and/or dollar bill ,you know the space where the all seeing eye is, well it had an open space just like it where
people could go up it and it was a look out.
my singer kept saying "what is this GIANT pyramid doing in this little town.
I thought nothing of it at the time(brain dead I guess) ...

Any way it was quite impressive...the whole one side of the pyramid opened
mechanicaly from the bottum up to expose a VERY IMPRESSIVE stage..
I mean for a small town..this thing was impressive.
also it it outfitted with an equally impressive sound and light system
that again is over-kill and very expensive for a little town.

so the night went on and I played heavy metal music in a pyramid
tunned to 440.....when i look back on it I now feel that just mabey we
/my band and I were used for some kind of occult ritual.
(metal is really not my thing but I also play with
"Misery the Metallica Experience" a plug...its just so You all know I`m not makin any of this up) this...
it turns out that this is "ground Zero" for a really really bad flood that
happened and the story is that this is to commemorate all those who lost thier lives homes and livelyhoods.(ya right)
from google the whole layout of the concert area looks creepy.
geometric shapes all over and the pyramid itself.
I`ll go and either get the co-ordinates for it or i`ll go to google and take
a screen-shot of it and post it soon. more thing ...10 kilometers away is canada`s command
control for their jet fighter group.
its pretty fishy.
for now here is a couple of photos and info but its all in french....sorry

[edit on 4-1-2008 by Maya432]

[edit on 4-1-2008 by Maya432]

You are right. Check your other thread on 432 and 440 Hz.
880 Hz (ThPTh Place of burning, Hell ) is the final destination.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 12:59 PM
TIA lives, kinda, sorta.

Some parts have been shut down, but mostly its just been broken down into seperate components, moved, and renamed.

posted on Jan, 9 2008 @ 03:26 PM

Originally posted by vladmir
Under the guide of claiming its for 'Terrorism',
it is more likely that the T stands for TOTAL Information Awareness.

Oh yeah, the hive mind.......that their ultimate dark aim.

Regardless of whether you are Black, White Asian or Arab,
whether you are in the US or outside it, they want to own you.

The NWO dosent discriminate, it dosent care about race/colour/creed or caste........because they want EVERYBODY to bear the Mark of the Beast.
Its hilarious.

[edit on 5-1-2008 by vladmir]

It's actually rather common for people to use symbology in a number of things - intentionally or unintentionally. The "all seeing pyramid" would make sense to use as any form of an awareness or security program.... because it's "all seeing."

However... sometimes people forget about the deeper meanings of various symbols (because many symbols have been used countless times through history). For instance, the swastika was the symbol used for the sun in at least one ancient culture (hence why it became the symbol for the Nazi party - being the center or the source of power). Now - people associate the swastika with Nazi Germany and the Holocaust, not as a symbol of the Sun.

Likewise, the pentagram has been around for thousands of years. One of the earliest uses of it came from the path that the planet Venus took in the sky (the goddess of love, in Greek mythology). This symbol was used quite heavily through a number of ancient cultures and traditions. When the Catholic Church came to power, it began to demonize various elements of 'pagan' cultures/religions. Thus, somehow, the pentagram was turned into a symbol for the devil (or evil... or some people claim it's only evil if it's inverted).

But, now, you're more familiar with the pentagram being used as part of our national Ensign (flag). It has 50 non-inverted pentagrams on it. However, the Democrats have, for their ensign, an inverted pentagram, and the Republicans have three inverted pentagrams on their ensign.

Does that mean anything? Who knows.

In writing my own fiction, I am routinely coming up for designs of various ensigns for factions involved in my fiction. Thus - I try and look towards some symbology - some is subtle - such as the use of triangles and sets of three, others are more obvious - such as a modified hammer-and-sickle display (the symbol of Communist Russia and part of the ensign of Communist China).

And the U.S. Government agencies are known for making public-relations blunders. Such as when they used the Village People's song "In the Navy" for a Navy recruitment ad. .... They quickly learned of their folly and withdrew the ad like it was a video advocating sodomy.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 01:44 PM
The Information Awareness Office (IAO) code is now decoded.

IAO = the Woman Isis, the Serpent Apophis, and the Man Osiris.
IAO is a Greek Gnostic code version of the Tetragrammaton.

Tetragrammaton comes from the Pythagoras Tetraktys YHWH.
And Pythagoras decoded the IAO pyramid in Egypt.

[edit on 29-8-2008 by hawk123]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 02:04 PM
In Hebrew : YOD HAY VAV HAY = YHVH = Tetragrammaton

110 + 110 = 220 + 220 = 440 + 440 = 880

Greek IAO or Hebrew YOD is the key to Atlantis.

[edit on 29-8-2008 by hawk123]

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