"Neil Armstrong, the first man to supposedly walk on the moon, refuses to give interviews to anyone on the subject. "Ask me no questions, and I'll
tell you no lies." Collins also refuses to be interviewed. Aldrin, who granted an interview, threatened to sue us if we showed it to anyone."
that's not even the strongest point on the site either
latest gos is that columbus never made it to the american continent... in fact everything we see and ear from there is fabricated lies... just like
the moon landing which didnt take place...
of course we landed there... i havnt seen any un-debunkable evidence that proves otherwise
For the last time....YES we landed on the moon... Though the Fox special a while back, and several websites...made convincing points (but bad
science)...it's all bunk. I'd suggest going to NASA's site, and typing "moon landing hoax" into the search bar...or go to badastronomy.com, and
you'll see any points made pointing to a hoax, refuted.
EDIT: Or, use the ATS search function, for the numerous threads on this...