posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 11:32 PM
Originally posted by eaglewingz
What would they be proving by using a lame vid that's been repeatedly posted on YouTube and analyzed to the nth degree here on ATS?
I'd think it would depend on their goals.
Were I running that show, I'd explore every nook and cranny of every possible contingency to see how the public reacted on such a forum as this one.
Every possibility and the resulting responses would give me the widest breadth and depth to make calculated inferences from given the uncertainties of
scripts ahead . . . such as the war with ET.
Life is complex. People are complex. Groups of people can be very complex especially if very diverse. Throw in a super dramatic ET emotional END OF
WORLD bunch of stuff and lots of things go off the scale.
All the more reason to explore ALL the contingencies with as many crazy stimuli as one could dream up.
I'm not saying this was done but it's plausble, to me.
And, a video that's sukpposedly super crisp and so startling that YOUTUBE etc. ban it . . . but turns out to be evidently not more than a hoax
duplicate or similar . . .
what could they learn from that?
1. wellllll . . . in this case, how the ATS leadership and members would handle getting the vid to the public.
That could be valuable info in several future possible scripts.
2. how a diverse but 'sort of believing' public plus skeptics would handle a 180 degree flip flop on realities about such topics. Maybe that could
be valuable . . . what if the government originally said that ET's were good then they turned out to be evil . . . how would the public handle
flipflops about ET's? I'd explore that one dozens of different ways and degrees.
I'm tired or I could probably think of other possibilities.
thanks for your kind response.