posted on Feb, 10 2004 @ 07:00 AM
Thanks all, love the Rocky reference there Banshee...just confirms you're definitely one of "our" people, hehe...
So where's the behind-the-scenes footage from the honeymoon you promised?
Well, I suppose I could use some black censoring bars...but no, I don't think you want to see that, hehe....
I just turned in the cameras from the reception tables to be processed yesterday, and I've still got to get my Front Page software, and backed up
websites onto this new computer... Not sure how long all of that will take, but I hope to have pics of the wedding up soon... Thank goodness for the
TLC crew's lights, as we ended up having the wedding an hour late (and the wedding was originally at sunset)... Of course, there was no sunset, as
it rained! Well, they say that's supposed to be good luck...(though my wallet disagrees, having to rent a large tent at the last minute...)
I just got back, so I also have to get in touch with the photographer, videographers, and other friends, for their pics as well.... I at least have
some (harmless) photos of the honeymoon, so I'll get some of those up soon, even if not on the site yet...