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Why is everybody preaching non violence?

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posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 03:30 AM
Where would the violence be directed towards, the puppets or their masters ?

Ive often had a fantasy where we the people say enough of this shi- and go place the Rockefeller family under citizen arrest and the brits do the same to the Rothchilds.

The problem is Id be the only person trying to arrest them and Id end up in jail instead.

Once I wrote my congressman and state senator and asked them to abolish the Federal Reserve as its unconstitutional. Of course they sent back bs form letters refusing. I then took the letters to the state attorney general's office and asked him to file charges of treason against them. He looked at me as if I was totally insane.

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 07:30 PM
As I come from the UK and recently the government put forth a ban on samurai swords. As a practicing martial artist I was horrified, as one of the item I need to practice a mental and psyhical dicipline is now out lawed as a couple of criminals could not get hold of firearms, again banned went beserk. The disarmenment program is in full swing, just at a more advanced rate that the US. Was there any dissention in the UK to the banning of martial arts swords, no not even a peep. Just a small statement on page 5 in one of the national newspapers

I feel that as the public feel that the only form of protest can only be non violent it is acceptable. The government in this country (the UK) feel that is not good enough as you can not protest publicly without a permit and only in designated areas, and if you say something they do not agree with you, you are on camera and recorded.

You guys are lucky in North America, you still have the right to bear arms still, we have bugger all apart from rudimentary defense and we fund the military/police to have lethal/non lethal weapons which are greatly out of proportion to those the public has. Something Stinks.

[edit on 29-12-2007 by djaybeetoo]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:24 PM
I wonder how many people physically attack themselves whenever they feel they have some sort of internal conflict to resolve. If you see a difference between this and physically attacking other people, isn't that the definition of self-centered?

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
Well, some people operate under the illusion that a peaceful "revolution" is going to change something. My opinion is that you never really get a point across unless you bash a few heads and break a few teeth off into the gum.

We'll never go further in evolution if we boneheads not already realize that hurting ANY kind of being lowers one's very own vibration and results only in BAD , even if it means death to self.

The only enemy is yourself. PERIOD.

[edit on 1-1-2008 by Paul the seeker]

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