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Adam and eve

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posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 09:18 AM

Originally posted by weeman
i dont et it were they the only two humans on earth? doesnt that mean that we all came from them?

Hi, I happen to have an idea about this question, How about we start in the beginning When God the Creator created man from the ground and breath the breath of live into his cell, awaken each atom and giving them life but as with all things it dies after sin entered into the world. Then GOD THE ALMIGHTY then seeing that man was lonley he caused man to fall into a deep sleep, and he took a rib from man and he formed WO-MAN cause out of man you were created. Then the Devil seeing that God Favored man More by
1. creating him in his image and likeness,and giving him BREATH. Angels were not given forms and they were made to serve, as we all are.

Now Satan became envious and ensnare the Woman by means of Lies and Deception: For he is the Father of such THINGS.

YA-DA YA-DA...........SIN-OUT OF EDEN (out of conscienceness)- FLOOD-WORD REGENERATED by the three sons of NOAH=SHEM (ORIENTAL for al ack of a better word) HAM (NEGROIDS) JAPHHET( CACUSACION sorry I mispelled the word but you get the idea) now all this is true, we were CREATED, WE DID NOT EVOLVED. "WHERE ARE ALL THE WHITE MONkEYS"
i'm just saying you know. WE can read articles in the news were Scientist are tracing us back to this single WOMAN IN AFRICA, They are saying that we all some how came from a single "GENETIC STRAND"of this woman now that, would then prove that it is a STRONG possibility that the two THEORY ARE CORRECT look at it:



posted on Oct, 19 2004 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by weeman
i dont et it were they the only two humans on earth? doesnt that mean that we all came from them?

Hi, I happen to have an idea about this question, How about we start in the beginning When God the Creator created man from the ground and breath the breath of live into his cell, awaken each atom and giving them life but as with all things it dies after sin entered into the world. Then GOD THE ALMIGHTY then seeing that man was lonley he caused man to fall into a deep sleep, and he took a rib from man and he formed WO-MAN cause out of man you were created. Then the Devil seeing that God Favored man More by
1. creating him in his image and likeness,and giving him BREATH. Angels were not given forms and they were made to serve, as we all are.

Now Satan became envious and ensnare the Woman by means of Lies and Deception: For he is the Father of such THINGS.

YA-DA YA-DA...........SIN-OUT OF EDEN (out of conscienceness)- FLOOD-WORD REGENERATED by the three sons of NOAH=SHEM (ORIENTAL for al ack of a better word) HAM (NEGROIDS) JAPHHET( CACUSACION sorry I mispelled the word but you get the idea) now all this is true, we were CREATED, WE DID NOT EVOLVED. "WHERE ARE ALL THE WHITE MONkEYS"
i'm just saying you know. WE can read articles in the news were Scientist are tracing us back to this single WOMAN IN AFRICA, They are saying that we all some how came from a single "GENETIC STRAND"of this woman now that, would then prove that it is a STRONG possibility that the two THEORY ARE CORRECT look at it:

SO, IS THERE ANY NEW FINDS IN THAT STUDY or maybe that Theory, was LEADING SOMEWHERE AND THAT Reserch is hear of no more : update please!


I recommend the reading of:

[edit on 19-10-2004 by Angela247]

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Angela247

I do not understand what to make of that statement. Was it meant to be allegorical? Personally, I like chickens that are kentucky fried.

Originally posted by Nygdan
You think that this part is literal then? That man was formed out of muck, rather than evolved from more primitive primates and mammals?

Nygdan; that is the million dollar question isn't it? One could say if you believe there is a God, he created us in his own image, so does that mean he modified us from the Ape or we where pretty much created from muck, like instant coffee?

I leave that for you to decide.

[edit on 20-10-2004 by aryaputhra]

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 01:28 PM
I'll tell you this:
If the world started with only two people and we're all related, we'd all be retarded or worse. Inbreeding has never been known to produce healthy, normal humans. It's a rare occasion when incest doesn't cause some type of health or mental defect. This is why it's historically been forbidden for people, closely related, to marry.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Damned
I'll tell you this:
If the world started with only two people and we're all related, we'd all be retarded or worse
It was not started by only two the story of Cain and Able...

GENESIS 15 And the Lord said, If anyone kills Cain they will be punished sevenfold. And Cain was marked so that anyone finding him would know not to kill him.

Who else would of seen him? There was supposed to be only Adam & Eve & Cain & Abel.

16 And Cain moved from near Eden, to the east, to the land of Nod.
Soooo where is this "land of Nod?

17 And Cain had a sexual union with his wife who gave birth to a son, Enoch, and Cain was building a city so he called it Enoch also.

Where did the wife come from? Why do you need cities with no mass of people?

[edit on 11/10/2004 by LadyV]

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by Angela247

If man was created, why is all the evidence pointing torwards him not being created? Why accept the biblical creation account over other creation accounts on anythign other than faith? Why isn't there any evidence supporting any of the genesis myth?

, would then prove that it is a STRONG possibility that the two THEORY ARE CORRECT look at it:

No, it doesn't. The 'genetic eve' idea merely says that everyone alive to day is related to that single person, not that that was the first person. That 'genetic eve' lived in a population of other people.

It was not started by only two the story of Cain and Able...

yeah, look at it. It indicates that there were other people around, not from adam and eve. So adam and eve couldn't have been the first people. They were probably the ancestors of the tribe of people that told the story (or rather, understood by themto be as such)

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
So adam and eve couldn't have been the first people.

Well, even the Christians must believe that they weren't the first, especially Eve.....she was not the first biblical female...that would of been Adams first wife, Lilith.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
she was not the first biblical female...that would of been Adams first wife, Lilith.

I don't think that lilith is mentioned in the bible. Perhaps she makes an appearance in the 'child devouring demon' form tho, not sure about that. But the general lilith idea is extra-biblical.

Also, the point is, if the myth is saying that there were already people around who weren't created, why should it be taken to mean that humans were created? And if those other cities worth of peoples were created outside of adam and eve, then why does the myth punish everyone with sin? Why aren't there people without knowledge of good and evil? And if the myth is that nonsensicle and contradictory, then why should it be given any credence at all?

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Also, the point is, if the myth is saying that there were already people around who weren't created, why should it be taken to mean that humans were created?

Okay, here's my two paisa..

If there were 'people' already around, perhaps they were not humans. i.e. not made in the image of God , but some kind (Angels, demons, maybe, don't know, perhaps the missing link between us and the Apes even)whom we could inter-relate with. If the myth were true, humans were given supreme command over all other species.

But we sinned, hence we were banished from Eden. And our stature as higher citizens took a falling. Thus we might have 'intermingled' with the 'others'.

Lilith does not appear in the bible nor the jewish torah, but in certain midrashic texts and jewish folklore. The first jewish story of Lilith was told in the Jewish story of Alphabet of Ben Sira. However the origin of Lilith is as a Sumerian succubus, Before the introduction of the Alphabet of ben sirah, Lilith was mostly seen as a demoness instead of the "first Eve".

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 06:25 AM
I respect your attempt to put into context the timeline, and intent of a few biblical stories. But considering the fact, mankind has been around long before the 'holy books' spoke of Moses, Adam, Eve and Jesus.

Religion has been designed to keep the Masses Disciplined, Divided, and encapsulated by its differences. Every faith in the world today, talks of Self-respect, and Respect for those around u, irrespective of their race, gender or belief. ***And i'm sure that u'll agree with this.

Religion is the CORE of our belief structure, and yet, we dont even understand its true origin.

Your message, is honourable, but your misguided intent will move you farther from your own truth.
The questions we should be asking, are the ones we fear the most.
And Fear, Angel, is what keeps us from the truth of our very existence.

You are but a library of emotions and experiences competing in this space and time. While u reading this, memory will dictate how u react to my word.
Fear will choose how u react to your heart. And emotion will become disconnected from truth.
God is within us, and there is has been all our lives.
When will his children understand the depth of his love, hidden in the hearts of Humanity.

I am but the messenger.
Only you know what is true.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by aryaputhra
But we sinned, hence we were banished from Eden. And our stature as higher citizens took a falling. Thus we might have 'intermingled' with the 'others'.

I really can't see any sort of evidence of any intermingling between non-humans and humans. Even sapiens and neanderthal might not've interbred. Of course, when dealing with mythology or religion, one can invoke all sorts of miracles to explain this sort of stuff, to explain why seperateley created organisms can interbreed but closely related organims can't.

Lilith does not appear in the bible nor the jewish torah, but in certain midrashic texts and jewish folklore.

Ah, I had suspected it was from some commentary texts, rather than the 'central' texts. Thanks for clearing it up.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:02 AM
The bible explains nothing real...the genesis is a big fairy tale for childrens (people at the time were not that intelligent)
The thing is that the missing link between homo erectus and homo sapiens (real man) is the DNA from the Annunaki (they manipulated genetics at the time) and created a kind to slave....we (humans) are slaves Adam and Eve are like (aliens-male) (human-female)...
When they say, "there were giants on earth...." the fallen angels married women of the man..." so Abel and CAin were like very strong and they wanted to control the world (they were annunaki)...they fighted and all...and the elite hide (sumerians tablets, mayan calendars...) everything because they don't want us to know...this is kinda complexe, but It makes so much sens!


posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by weeman
i dont et it were they the only two humans on earth? doesnt that mean that we all came from them?

Somebody has probably already mentioned this but I consider it a metephore. Conditions became optimal to support life [eden].. it created a sindle cell [adam] and it split [eve]. Of course I realise it's a little bit hard for single celled microbes to pass down their heritage using the adam and eve myth so rather than intoducing 'primal knowledge'.. aliens or time travellers with a testube into the mix I think I might just leave it for now before I fry my brain.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Amelia
...this is kinda complexe, but It makes so much sens!

There's a problem with that, though. First of all, Planet X didn't come when they claimed it should have. It's been a lot longer than that now, and still no Planet X, nor even a sign of it in space. Secondly, how would anyone know anything about these aliens? Where has this story been specifically mentioned or documented in history? On what can you base this belief?

It's possible, but it holds even less factual evidence than the bible.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 03:10 PM
Things like that are too much serious and looks too much fantastic to be true, no one will ever beleive that. Scientific are not into what's "out of this world"
By the way, Planet X or Nibiru is a common subject...
Planet X does exist
Annunaki, Summer age, golden age, lemuria, M� etc.......seems funny to you because maybe u don't search a lot!
Just look and search, go on!!!!! Research!!! I spent 12 years of my small life searching

It will OPEN your eyes, mind and soul!

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Amelia
Planet X does exist

As you probably know there's an ongoing thread about this right now, and it looks like there really isn't any evidence to suggest it exists.

Annunaki, Summer age, golden age, lemuria, M� etc.......seems funny to you because maybe u don't search a lot!

I've looked into it, I still don't see why a person shouldn't think its silly after researching it.
Just look and search, go on!!!!! Research!!! I spent 12 years of my small life searching
And what have you found that you feel best supports some of these things?

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 04:06 PM
I have done alot of research on Planet X. I was very interested, at first, and I thought it very possible, but there is no evidence of this yet. The best "evidence" is sold in books that cost money. A real scientific discovery of such massive proportions isn't going to have to be sold in a book store. Keep on researching.

posted on Oct, 21 2004 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Gabriel Messenger
Your message, is honourable, but your misguided intent will move you farther from your own truth.
...And Fear, Angel, is what keeps us from the truth of our very existence.

Now THAT's scary.

God is within us, and there is has been all our lives.

true. quite true.

I am but the messenger.
Only you know what is true.

WHO? WHAT is the Truth? Don't you just hate when people talk in tongues??

[edit on 21-10-2004 by aryaputhra]

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by weeman
i dont et it were they the only two humans on earth? doesnt that mean that we all came from them?

Yes, we did, and I'm sure God permitted brothers marrying sisters back then. He could have taken care of the genetic issues.

It's not a myth at all. We all have the same two ancestors. Know what--we're all descended from Noah, because it was only he, his wife, his sons, and his daughters-in-law that were in the Ark.

Even if you think Creation to be a myth/allegory/whatever, we're all related, it's a matter of degree.

posted on Nov, 10 2004 @ 09:32 AM

Originally posted by weeman
i dont et it were they the only two humans on earth? doesnt that mean that we all came from them?

Did you read this whole thread? I'll repeat:

It was not started by only two the story of Cain and Able...

GENESIS 15 And the Lord said, If anyone kills Cain they will be punished sevenfold. And Cain was marked so that anyone finding him would know not to kill him.

Who else would of seen him? There was supposed to be only Adam & Eve & Cain & Abel.

16 And Cain moved from near Eden, to the east, to the land of Nod.
Soooo where is this "land of Nod?

17 And Cain had a sexual union with his wife who gave birth to a son, Enoch, and Cain was building a city so he called it Enoch also.

Where did the wife come from? Why do you need cities with no mass of people?

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