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And amber waves of Yellow Cake...

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posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 02:14 PM
When Katharine Bates wrote" America The Beautiful",she was describing my home state of Colorado.She had no idea under that amber waves of grain is a large body of fresh water called the Ogallala Aquifer.Colorado, Nebraska,Oklahoma,Wyoming,New Mexico and Texas depend on the aquifer to grow fast amounts of crops to feed us and the world.

But a foreign corp. could change all that.The mining company - a Canadian corporation named Powertech - is proposing an in-situ leach mining operation that will pump chemicals into the groundwater to leach out the uranium, and then pump the groundwater to the surface to chemically extract the uranium from the water. In addition, the mining company has not ruled out the possibility of digging a massive open-pit mine to extract the uranium by mechanical means.

Both types of mining - in-situ leach and open pit - pose serious health risks for local residents, and pose serious environmental and economic risks for Fort Collins and northern Colorado.

Now where do you think the uranium will be dried? I dont think they will transport this sludge somewhere.It would be expensive and dangerous.
Oh, why not just dry it out in the plains of Colorado to make the Yellow Cake. Thats what they want to do. Let the wind blow it around a little, no big deal they say.Now thats on the surface.

Below ground is another matter. What you cant see is even better for this foreign corp. No harm that can be seen, no foul.

This is just a local story that nobody will care about,but my point is nuclear energy is not clean. The price you pay to get it, is it worth it?

Added 'ex' tags and a link for external material

please read Posting work written by others

[edit on 26/12/07 by masqua]

[edit on 26/12/07 by masqua]

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 05:37 PM
Good Find! This is a scary story on a couple of levels. The most obvious is the fact that this is above one of the most important aquifers in the United States. The type of mining that they (Powertech Uranium Corp.) plans on using involves, extracting uranium from the slurry that they bring up then placing the waste back underground. There is no way that this will not contaminate the ground water. Maybe not with uranium but other heavy metals that are in the waste as they put it back in the ground. The uranium has to dry out before it is taken to a processing facility and I don't think that they will transport it somewhere else to dry. Having uranium contaminating our top soils and food supply does not sound good to me.
The second reason why this is scary is because it is a Canadian company who has no concern about the people in this area. They are then going to turn around and sell this uranium to China. Need we say anything else. Our Countries resources are being sold to other nations by foreign companies.
. Here are some more links to information regarding this story.
As a local resident near this story, I can't believe that this plan for mining is still going forward. Maybe if the rest of country finds out something can be done. This could effect our country in a huge way if allowed to happen. This country needs to wake up... Now!
Star for this story and a flag.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 05:45 PM
I brought up this same thing in a story now on the boards concerning the "unrest" in the Lakota Nation. This same group was interested as of a year ago in doing the same thing in South Dakota.

They don't care, and it's not about who lives where, it's about money being more important than anything.

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 06:24 PM
Private companies do that. Especially corporations where there is not just 1 man deciding to mine and destroy the aquifer and the land, many people are involved , it's not so easy to stop the need for profit that corporation has, in fact it could be said that it's the doing of the "Money God", this monster that we have created

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by NGC2736
This same group was interested as of a year ago in doing the same thing in South Dakota.

any source on that? im from there originally and i dont keep up with much of the local news...howd that turn out for them? (i really hope the people of my home state were smart enough to put an end to that plan in a hurry...)

posted on Dec, 26 2007 @ 09:10 PM
Thanks for those two links "Eye _Of _Truth."And where are my two senators and members of the house?Silence.Untill a disaster or billions of dollars in clean up are involved.Then you get the finger pointing of who"s fault it is.Thats when you hear from your leaders.The madness continues.

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 04:06 AM
To allow mere human beings to have any kind if involvement with the production of nuclear energy, is like giving a monkey a gold watch!
Atomic power is the most insideous thing ever devised by humankind, a caring world would never tolerate such obscenity.
Mother earth deserves better,as do we.

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 12:39 PM

The Canadian corporation, incorporated in 1984 as Ararat Oil & Minerals Inc., has for most of its existence been a manufacturer of boilers and water heaters.

Powertech has never mined uranium.

So should we trust these "experts" on uranium mining when they say it is safe? How do they know it is safe since they have ever done this type of mining before? People don't realize that underground water is used for agricultural uses. These aquifers are being drained faster than they are filled because they are so important. Not just from growing Crops but livestock as well. I am sure there would be no problems told to the public when operations start but what happens 5,10,15 years down the road when cases of heavy metal poisoning start showing up or cancer rates start rising? An investigation ensues and Powertech claims bankruptcy when found responsible. Then who is responsible for health problems, environmental damage, economic shutdown and collapse. That's just locally. What happens if the contamination spreads over the multi state boundaries that depend on these water sources? Thousands of acres of farmland made useless because of the contaminated ground water. And the same can be said if contaminated soils from the drilling sites are blown eastward into Nebraska and Kansas. This is just plain stupid in my opinion. Why take the risk when the odds of destruction loom so great. This is like playing with matches next to a leaking propane tank.

posted on Dec, 27 2007 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by dobsonion2

This is just a local story that nobody will care about,but my point is nuclear energy is not clean. The price you pay to get it, is it worth it?

[edit on 26/12/07 by masqua]

I dont think nuclear energy is worth it because it creates byproducts that can not be destroyed or disposed of for 200,000 years...

who are we to create waste that takes that long to deteriorate when we have no idea where we will be, as a civilization, in that time.

on top of that. the storage containers that hold this waste don't even last that long.

may our great great great great great grandchildren forgive us for what we have given them/

posted on Dec, 29 2007 @ 04:12 PM
The first man made earthquakes happened at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal just 40 miles from the proposed uranium injection extraction wells.The injected millions of gallons of contaminated waste into these wells. There is a direct link to earthquakes and injection of a fluid of any kind underground in this area.Why would anyone even consider doing something so stupid.Hundreds, maybe thousands of wells dug.Seventy percent of uranium extracted. The rest left in a liquid state. The rest of the cavity then injected with toxic waste from above ground after uranium is processed.A major earthquake caused by injection ruptures wells with a toxic soup now flooding into the largest aquifer in America.Unstopable.Americas bread basket no more.

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 09:07 PM
Just a note of interest you may not be aware of, but Canada is the leading producer of uranium on the planet and we hold over 15% of global reserves.
Fully 1/3 of all uranium comes from here.

It's not like Canada lacks experience in this field.

45% of all uranium produced in Canada is sold to the United States which has helped make your nation the most powerful military presence on the globe.

You're welcome.......

EDIT: had to add a the link

[edit on 30/12/2007 by anxietydisorder]

posted on Dec, 30 2007 @ 09:32 PM
You know, we need to just build the damn space elevator already and bulldoze the damn Helium-3 off the Moon's surface. Enough with this Uranium crap. If they really want yellow cake that bad they should just drive to Uravan, Colorado where they can practically pick it right off the ground with their hands. The stupidity of mining companies (and genetic engineering companies) treating the world like a test tube, astounds me.

[edit on 30-12-2007 by ATS4dummies]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by anxietydisorder
Just a note of interest you may not be aware of, but Canada is the leading producer of uranium on the planet

are you not also the leading producer of canadians?
sorry just felt the need for a bit of levity tonight

It's not like Canada lacks experience in this field.

but does that make it any less harmful to the planet in the long term?

45% of all uranium produced in Canada is sold to the United States which has helped make your nation the most powerful military presence on the globe.

You're welcome.......

lol so i bet theres gonna be a lot of people pissed when we roll north then huh?

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