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NEW VID! Remote Controlled Planes as Weapons!!

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posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by Freaky_Animal

Originally posted by 1Angrylightbulb
Wow, I never knew they had the ability to remote control a plane with a camera feed to see back in the 1940's. Kinda makes me wonder what exactly the military can do now?

Well in the 80's they tried to fly a 707 on remote control.
The whole flightdeck was filled with hydraulic maneuver-cylinders and stuff.
The guy controling the aircraft had it visual all the time, still it allmost crashed twice on takeoff, it didn,t look pretty at all.
They didn't even manage to crash it right.
It was all a part of a fuel additive test.
The 707 is like the 767 and 757 a non fly by wire aircraft.
No central on board computer to hack into like the conspiracy folks claims.

Freaky_ Animal I take it that you're an airline pilot. You may find these links of interest. I located the original Pat. # and schematics about a year ago to assist Capt Field McConnell in his Lawsuit with NorthWestern Air. Quite a few of the related Pat # are pre 9/11. I believe they offer some indication of the possibility for something other then the official story. QRS-11 gyro chip installed on all Boeing aircraft prior to 9/11 (you may recall the lawsuit filed against Boeing by the gov. for selling aircraft to China that had QRS-11 chips installed)
iridium orbiting SATs, AWAC off of E an W coast during the 9/11 war games. It does give one pause. Now be that as it may, Boeing has claimed this arrangement to be the ultimate anti-hijacking technology. Would you sign out a plane knowing a second or third party has the option of taking away control from the PIC ? I wouldn't .

"A further embodiment enables the intervention of remote personnel. For example, in this embodiment, a remote operator may trigger the security mode of the aircraft via an encrypted radio transmission, and similarly may override the feature remotely. A further embodiment allows for remote navigation of the craft by radio once it is in security mode. Such a feature when utilized allows remote personnel to guide the craft during portions of the redirect route, such as landing."

[edit on 31-12-2007 by Xwino]

posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 04:30 PM
Sorry double post.For some odd reason I can not cut and paste the Pat office links. So I suppose I have introduced a moot point without ref.
Boeing pat # 6,584,383
[edit on 31-12-2007 by Xwino]

[edit on 31-12-2007 by Xwino]

posted on Jan, 1 2008 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by IvanZana

Props IvanZana, a very good find! I think we all knew this technology was available long before 9/11 but this is really going back and I have never seen any footage quite like this! I mean gheez they even packed the planes full of real explosives then blew them up on collision, the video even shows the resulting explosion!

Surely someone can look at this footage and knowing how much explosives were on these planes could make a pretty good estimation of the relative explosive energy released by the planes impact on 9/11. Were those large fireballs created by the planes slamming into the towers merely just jet fuel based or perhaps there was more to it than that? It seems possible.

Unsurprisingly the fireballs produced on 9/11 do not seem any smaller than the examples shown in this video. :|

I have always had a hunch these planes were laced with an explosive payload and comparing this archive footage to the 9/11 impacts the similarities are noticeable which in turn would draw me in the direction of that possibility.

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