posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 02:19 PM
as we proceed toward Omega Point and the cycles get shorter shorter....
It was back in the late 60s
Student Activists Labeled 'Radicals' like SDS (students for democratic society)
and off campus 'radicals' ala Abbie Hoffmann, Jerry Rubin,
and then Weathermen and WeatherUnderground
all of em were harrassed, gassed, clubbed, jailed...
even the National Guards felt correct in firing live ammo at Kent State students!
?so, here we are again?....a fascist Amerika by RM Nixon '68--->a neo-con/fascist/PNAC/ fascist 'Empire' America by GW Bush '00
~30 years for this cycle
~60 years for the 911-Pearl Harbor cycle
*at the maximum these cycles will repeat around the 2012 window ( TW-0 ) timewavezero...
[unless/in-spite-of: a watergate type derailing of the worldline/timeline]
[Edited on 9-2-2004 by riffraffalunas]