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WTC 1 and 2 Collapse Analysis

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posted on Dec, 22 2007 @ 05:54 PM
I feel like these kinds of threads are playing like a broken record, but having created the following to demonstrate a point to a few who are strong believers in the official story to the point they're insinuating I'm nuts, I thought I'd post it here, too. I'll quote it verbatim.

The Mag. 2.3 event lasted 0.9 seconds, with the rest of the event lasting 8 seconds. 8 seconds for the entire building to collapse from standing to nothing???? The buildings were 1,368 ft tall. 1,368 ft in 8 seconds = 142.5 ft/sec. Acceleration due to gravity = 32 ft/sec/sec.

It would have taken 4.4 seconds to accelerate to that speed.

0 sec = 1368
1 sec = 1368-32 = 1336
2 sec = 1336-64 = 1272
3 sec = 1272-96 = 1176
4 sec = 1176-128 = 1048
5 sec = 1048-160 = 888
6 sec = 888-192 = 696
7 sec = 696-224 = 472
8 sec = 472-256 = 216
9 sec = 216-288 = -72

...and that would equate to free-fall speed for the entire structures collapse. Anyone care to mention a problem with that?

After that 8 seconds, all that was left was this:

...and you can't deny it - it was all over the TV.

I cited the following as references to raw data (if there is anything in existence closer to the source, please advise):

Very simple, I know, but demonstrates the point nicely. Proof of the collapse time has been captured ad nausium in amateur videos and TV newsreels.

If it had been a natural collapse, three things would not have occurred:

* The entire building would not have collapsed to nothing in 8 seconds
* The entire building would not have collapsed
* The second tower to collapse would not have collapsed identically. Give me odds like that any day!

[edit on 22-12-2007 by mirageofdeceit]

posted on Dec, 23 2007 @ 12:08 AM
This might interest you, too:

t = SQR( 2d / g )


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