posted on Dec, 31 2007 @ 04:45 PM
Wiki is not to be believed. May I suggest reading "The Man Who Knew Too Much", by Dick Russell regarding a CIA man Richard Case Nagell. He has
much to say about Osward, and its nothing like what's on wiki. It is a must read as it deals with Nagell and Osward starting with LHO's assignment
to Japan through the early days of November 1963. The book can be purchased used from Amazon, at a very reasonable price.
I have been told, directly by James Tague, the only other person wounded in Dallas 11/22/63, that he heard the first shot, saw activity in the plaza,
and then felt something hit his cheek at the time of the 2nd and 3rd shots. He later observed the "chip" in the curb in front of where he was
A previous poster stated the 1st shot was a through and through that went on the strike the curb in front of Mr. Tague. Most firearm experts doubt a
through and through would have enough remaining velocity to travel the 270 feet to the curb and chip it the way it did. Mannlicher-Carcano ammunition
is not a high velocity round. (FBI 1st patched the chip and then had that section of curb cut out and removed).
Regarding Oswald and "his" Mannlicher-Carcano. The 3 spent cartridges, found on the floor, had numerous markings on them showing repeated
chambering and extractions and 1 was dented in a manner making it impossible for it to have held a bullet and been chambered and fired. The
Mannlicher-Carcano has a clip feed magazine, and is the ONLY rifle in which the clip drops from the magazine (via gravity) after the LAST ROUND IS
CHAMBERED. Oswald's rifle was found with the last round chambered, yet a photograph of this rifle being taken from the TSD has the clip hanging out
of the bottom of the magazine. This is not normal for this weapon, as the empty clip easily falls from the magazine. I believe the
Mannlicher-Carcano was not used in the assassination and the Dallas Police knew it was a "throw down". They did not test this weapon to see if it
had been fired. They didn't have to.
Oh yea, one other thing about the rifle, the first weapons expert brought in to try and duplicate Oswald's marksmanship, had to spend 10-15 minutes
to adjust and place metal shims under the base of the scope to secure it to the rifle before any test could be attemped.
So basically we have an ex-US Marine chosing a inferior weapon, using damaged cartridges, a mal-fuctioning clip, with a very loose scope, making shots
that could not be duplicated by experts, in less than 8 seconds.
Read the book.
[edit on 31-12-2007 by Oldnslo]