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Did U.S./NWO Fake E.T. Threat against poor innocent aliens for power

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posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:58 PM
The Cosmic Grand Conspiracy written by Steven Mc. Greer the E.T.'s are not a threat yet created by the NWO to Unite Humans to gain world power. There are Supposively E.T. yet are benevolent and being manipulated by the U.S. Government. The Government Supposivly has been creating fake alien ships to attack the planet to unite the planet against a false Alien invasion against innocent alien beings making us! the evil ones. Are there any E.T. or is it all a fake, or is there
a real alien threat to unite against?

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 09:00 PM
Uh. I have never heard of this Alien Threat?

Unless your proposing that Osama somehow is an Alien lifeform?


posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 09:03 PM
why do you blame the whole NWO thing on the US? im sure the EU has a big part in it

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by GODD
The Cosmic Grand Conspiracy written by Steven Mc. Greer the E.T.'s are not a threat yet created by the NWO to Unite Humans to gain world power. There are Supposively E.T. yet are benevolent and being manipulated by the U.S. Government. The Government Supposivly has been creating fake alien ships to attack the planet to unite the planet against a false Alien invasion against innocent alien beings making us! the evil ones. Are there any E.T. or is it all a fake, or is there
a real alien threat to unite against?

are you drunk? your thoughts seem jumbled. if you aren't, ....beware. this may be the result of preprogrammed triggers in your mind. the fake alien invasion may be one of the programs that is destined to provoke a unified response within a certain demograph. when your thoughts become incoherent like this, it is possible your mind is rearranging information to accomodate these sleeper programs.
i don't know if any aliens are good, or even alien for that matter. i do know that the government has sanctioned many mind control programs. i do know that under hypnotic state thoughts are inserted into the psyche of the victim and then sensory triggers are used(like a sound, smell or icon) to bring these sleeper programs to the fore. it is done on a mass scale. the tech that the bad guys were playing with fifty or sixty years ago, is the tech that is now considered state of the art in the public mind.
people who are in the military or are families of military personnel are the most likely candidates for this type mind control.
check out for more of this kind of information.

p.s. don't believe anything. just keep looking for truth. the journey is the destination.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:25 PM

i dont think the whole nwo / ufo thing consperacy has happened yet.... unless i was sleepin when the aliens landed and made themself's known to mankind ?

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by ZeroDeep
Unless your proposing that Osama somehow is an Alien lifeform?

haha! it would explain why the man is so damned ugly!

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 10:42 PM
One thing is the recurring "one ET," might you recite the last of the pledge of allegiance on that one.

Because there are most likely from many reports in flying saucer books many different kinds of "ET," then it fits no scenario to "unite against all ETs." So may some extraterrestrials have an appropriate cultural interface.

By the dentist office look in many portaitures, some of these ETs all culturally illiterate since they have no concept of being an anthropologist as Mararet Meade, having "total immersion," strategies. They are indifferent and regard us as too many humans regard cattle in the "meatrix." That brings another issue, are the most insidiosly indifferent hence in our minds "evil," ETs in collusion with terrestrial "birds of a feather?" That question could occupy volumes.

No, I do not think there is any "one plan," and any legistatively conceived hence stultifying "new world order," as the same tyranny of indifference. One could conceive of a "new world order," but it would be anything but the current operating systemic mode of tyranny. It would be neither right nor left. It would be so heuristic that it would neither intrude nor destroy people as the current "legal," approach ostensibly does.

It would "calm the people," but produce a commonwealth rather than an oligarchy, which still would survive but more like Noriega would have in Spain if he "took terms."

ET may currently have some plans to actually study political science, future studies, and other currently less than popularized ways of dealing with the human condition in an advanced modality suitable to all intrinsically.

[Edited on 8-2-2004 by SkipShipman]

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 11:22 PM
I have heard this theory and it may have validity. But remember one overriding rule in the universe,

intelligent entities do not interfere in the affairs of other entities unless invited to do so.

that is how you decide friend from foe.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 11:29 PM
this may be over my head but what would be the purpose of us turning on "good" aliens? ooo wait i have a lil sumthing as to why but i would like to hear somebodys thoughts on why this would be?

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