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posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:16 PM
My friend was telling me that he and his brother saw a cat but its hind legs were weird. They said it hopped like a rabbit and sat like one....... they asked the owner of it and he told them it was a cabbit. Is there such thing as a cabbit? Thanks.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:20 PM
Did it look like this:

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:22 PM
laughing out loud ^

never heard of a cabbit. maybe they were kidding around and the cat is just messed up or freakin out

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:24 PM
I did a search and came up with this

looks like there is some truth to it

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:25 PM
heres the definition of a cabbit by some girl on crack:

haha jk, I think its just a kids myth.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:28 PM
there is even a winged cat on the site

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:34 PM
Ya, i noticed that. Weird. I wonder how that could have happened?

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by gravriderX
Did it look like this:

LOL....good one....

But Cabbits are real but they are not made by a Rabbit and a cat mating...they are cats that have a problem where they are born with out a tail or a stubbed tail when they are suposed to have a long tail. And when one is born the extra bones that were suposed to make up the tail got stuck in the back leggs because in the embryo (sp) the bones didn't separate causeing the cat to have rabbit-like back legs. It hops because of that.

I could be wrong...because that was just off the top of my head. I was remembering a show that they ran on Cabbits a while back. And they said what causes a cat to become rabbit like. But they are real just so you know.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by IndridCold
My friend was telling me that he and his brother saw a cat but its hind legs were weird. They said it hopped like a rabbit and sat like one....... they asked the owner of it and he told them it was a cabbit. Is there such thing as a cabbit? Thanks.

No, they're pulling your leg.

There are a number of cat breeds that have rabbit-like legs (the Manx, for one) and some deformities and skeletal problems that cause cats to move like that.

But there's no such thing as a cabbit. They're as mythical as the jackelope.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 09:48 AM

Originally posted by IndridCold
My friend was telling me that he and his brother saw a cat but its hind legs were weird. They said it hopped like a rabbit and sat like one....... they asked the owner of it and he told them it was a cabbit. Is there such thing as a cabbit? Thanks.

You are correct. I saw a show on it a few years ago and I believe that the were called Catgaroos or something. There was a big to-do about it as the ASPCA was protesting the right for a specific woman to breed cats which had deformites. I will try to find a link.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 09:52 AM
This site calls them Twisty Cats.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 09:55 AM
Here is a link to several links.

posted on Feb, 9 2004 @ 10:07 AM
There are some twisted breeders out there, that in an attempt to become wealthy off of a "rare" breed, are purposely breeding for deformities. In my humble opinion...those breeders should have *their* legs twisted permanently so they can easily kick themselves in their own butts on a daily basis.


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