posted on Dec, 20 2007 @ 07:22 AM
The United States have long stopped any independence movement within Native American tribes, the US kept them out of the League of Nations, and the
United Nations, the Red man has never been represented in world politics.
Freedom and Independence is a dream for people, a dream worth fighting for. Ask any Israeli/Jew what it means to them to have been able to reclaim
their home land. All that is needed is a spark, and many many people will fight for this dream of independence.
This could get ugly, I do hope the tribes have some sort of plan of action.
As for the United States J. D. Blackfoot said it best, "watch out for the day you get Siouxed" This has been a long time coming.
IMO the poverty in the Indian nations is because the US Federal government has encouraged them to live off of welfare, like a socialist state, the
people had no purpose or reason to make things better, poor education system, no hope for good jobs, this could change all of that.
Give them a reason to have some pride in oneself.
[edit on 20-12-2007 by LDragonFire]