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If you guys really want to get into Area 51...

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posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:01 PM
Here's how you gotta do it... firstly you need a couple hundred people to gather around that area and check into hotels and whatnot under some kind of cover. Then on a given date and time you would need to detonate an EMP device near area 51 to knock out all electronics. After that it would be nice to shell the base with some sort of knockout gas. Then all the people you gathered together would storm the base by force. You would need camaras which were uplinked to the net so that when the military arrived after like 20 minutes to kill everybody and nuke everything, whatever evidence you found would have already been published to the public domain. well what do you guys think? I sure as hell wouldn't take part in this, but if some of you guys wanted to i'd definatly like to see what you found.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by ColonelForbin
Here's how you gotta do it... firstly you need a couple hundred people to gather around that area and check into hotels and whatnot under some kind of cover. Then on a given date and time you would need to detonate an EMP device near area 51 to knock out all electronics. After that it would be nice to shell the base with some sort of knockout gas. Then all the people you gathered together would storm the base by force. You would need camaras which were uplinked to the net so that when the military arrived after like 20 minutes to kill everybody and nuke everything, whatever evidence you found would have already been published to the public domain. well what do you guys think? I sure as hell wouldn't take part in this, but if some of you guys wanted to i'd definatly like to see what you found.

So after we get this EMP device and knock-out gas artilelry, somehow sneak into range, somehow manage to not destroy our own cameras with the EMP, assume Area 51's electonrics are not EMP-shielded, and run across the desert (because we EMPed our cars) and then somehow avoid the large number of troops that would be called'll be awesome

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:09 PM
Hey I already said I didn't want any part of it...just some ideas to get people thinking. If someone were actually going to try something like this it would take months of serious planning and preparation. I just wanted to throw some ideas out there and see what people come up with

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by ColonelForbin
Hey I already said I didn't want any part of it...just some ideas to get people thinking. If someone were actually going to try something like this it would take months of serious planning and preparation. I just wanted to throw some ideas out there and see what people come up with

I don't think you understood what I'm saying- If we EMPed the place, our cameras, uplinks, and cars would not work.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:12 PM
i think the plan was for the hundreds of people to get killed. they were there simply long enough to get whatever was there into the 'public domain.' but that whole range thing and it being EMP-proof, those are just minor details.

ill laugh my ass off when they get there and find out its Cheney's undisclosed location

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:22 PM
How about a couple of those stealth suites, like Solid Snake had? Or maybe we could get ourselves teleported in Hangar 18, then escape again by using the intergalactical teleport they develop in there (maybe to Mars)?

EMP is way too expensive, but i have plenty of stealth suites in my wardrobe...

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:23 PM
Umm, the very first step, and probably the only step to be taken, would be the planning and gathering of the people... WITHOUT the info reaching the wrong sources. As it is now, you probably wouldn't make it through a single month of planning before an army visits you to take you away for 'terrorist plots against the U.S.A.'.

Nevermind killing your own equipment with the device meant to kill all the other equipment. If any of you are (stupid) enough to try something like this, just keep in mind that Big Brother is probably gonna be watching you and know exactly what's going on. Also, you would have to make absolutly sure that you don't recruit a 'Bill Gates' kind of character.

FYI, Mr. Gates is one of those people who will pimp out technology for money... don't trust him. All he cares about is money. How do you know someone in the group wouldn't sell out the rest of you for a couple thou$and?

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:36 PM
LMAO EMP ourselves as well as them

there is no way into Area 51, I'm tired of reading these methods, sure if we had a few hundred people then they would definately do something that would get on the news but as far as getting in there? please

we wouldn't even get past the first guard shack past the signs

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:48 PM
I'd use a robotic vehicle to creep slowly over the ridge line facing the base. It'd be programmed to take a series of photographs and store them in memory and at a predetermined time relay the photos via radio transmission. I'd have my truck set up on public land near the base with an antenna and laptop computer waiting for the transmission to occur. After downloading the photos I'd have friends waiting nearby with several vehicles to hand off the data and hide it somewhere because the base police would come looking for you within minutes.

Or, how about an electric airplane disguised as a california condor or golden eagle with a similar setup.

Or how about a multi-staged model rocket that overflys a corner of the base?

Or how about a small hot-air or helium-filled balloon with photographic equipment onboard.

I bet a few of these tricks have been tried already. It would be easy to collect some data, the tricky part would be not getting caught.

You could get help some teen-aged kids to do it, and if they got caught they'd only receive a legal slap on the wrist.

Will I get busted for posting this?

[Edited on 8-2-2004 by Condorcet]

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:53 PM
I bet area 51 has moved most of its more important stuff to a new location. And who do you propose, would die for your plan, ColonelForbin?

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Condorcet
I'd use a robotic vehicle...

Indeed, i'd use a RC helicopter loaded with cameras and stuff. Guess they won't hat SAM's against this tiny 'threat'.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 05:08 PM
yes, and lets cover ourselves with the skins of desert animals so they dont smell us

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 05:21 PM
i coulda sworn i posted to this topic but it was on like the 4th page probably the same one diffrent thread..... lol like thats unusual... but seriously u guys are dreamin only way in or out of area 51 is if you work there ... so fellaz and lovely lady's join the military or get uber smart in the field of arrospace engenering and go work for boeing or lockheed .. or whoever u like the best lol if not ... face it ur not gettin in ... good luck storming that base by any other mean's ...

oh and by the way just incase like god comes down and helps u do it and u are successfull post all the junk u find on here plz

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 05:33 PM
Well once you've deployed your EMP device, those precious little live link cameras aren't going to work anymore anyway seeing how a device with a magnitude large enough to take down a base that more than likely has some security protocol for this anyway is going to affect everything within your radious. Soo... buh bye proof and once they get you much like you proof buh bye you and your wiped.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 05:42 PM

Pass that bong this way man

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 05:58 PM
all these r/c plane ideas r good, but i heard bout 10 years ago that the military have various things that can pick up any out going and incoming radio transmissions then pin point u within in feet of ur postition. bear in mind that was ten years back so they gonna be straight onto u now.

sounds like mass suicide to me

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 05:59 PM
Why don't we just march on Area 51? That would present the government with a major delimma, and it would also draw media attention to it.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 06:03 PM
I still don't think that (unless it was just going to be one person to plan AND execute) ANY plan for infiltrating A51 would even make it out of any kind of orginizational phase.

I have to agree with CanadaCANfight... about the only way you are going to get in is by obtaining some kind of employment that would send you to that base. Even then, there is no garantee that you would get to see anything 'special'.

I'm pretty sure there has been people that have attempted this. I'm guessing that once they were in they got scared and realized that it wasn't worth their life to expose anything. OR, they HAVE exposed stuff, but got debunked by our usual influx of skeptics who (not suprisingly) can't find the person's name in any record of having been there. I love coverups! They are so easy to execute once you establish a firm base.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by Valedamar
Why don't we just march on Area 51? That would present the government with a major delimma, and it would also draw media attention to it.

Yea, like when the military's helicopters start blasting us with tear gas when we're still a few miles away.

I'm quite sure they've planned for this sort of thing.

posted on Feb, 8 2004 @ 06:15 PM
Earthscum, I like your nick. Now I wish I had chosen the nick Earthtrash. You're an inspiration.

How about starting a brothel near the base and importing some hot Czech girls to work there. First you'd get the girls to develop relationships with workers from the base, then slowly entice the men into committing petty crimes like buying blow or herbie, questionable 'business' deals or whatever you can get them into. All the while you're setting them up for blackmail. I hope nobody does that.

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