posted on Dec, 26 2008 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord
I will be honset here and say that i just did some flaming on some subject..
the only thing i flame at is questions that make no sens and people wanting then to hurt themsefls
I dont agree im happy to read but sometimes one needs to flame at others and i will only do that in 2 ways., stupid hoax or someone playing god and
saying exhaust your body to the point of collapse
becouse thats not on...
I do not wish to get banned but this is far far over the edge for me
I would rarther read some insane guy say hes alien and whatever but when it comes to the safty of another human no matter who it is
then such comments as exhaust your body to the point of collapse
are totaly way way over the line for me.. I have had 2 comments removed becouse i felt it was bad to say such things,,
ATS is a good place but also has resonisblty to note let some nut say things like this...
yes be free to think but dont let people make another persons life endanger like this..
very very
right now..