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Does anyone else feel the way i feel?

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posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 04:07 AM
i will start by letting everyone know that i wasn't sure where this topic belonged, so i put it here. if this isn't where it belongs, then i apologize in advance.

Have any of you ever felt like you knew something, but couldn't put your finger on what you knew? i don't mean something in the sense of everyday knowledge, but something that you felt was truly important? all my life i have felt this way, and i don't know why. ill come back to this shortly.

i guess you could say that it began when i was a child. i have a problem with sleepwalking, but not normal sleepwalking. when i was a child me and my parents lived in a small 2 story house in a rural area of alabama. my sleepwalking began when i was roughly 5, and my mother told me that the first time i walked in my sleep i went down the stairs, unlocked the door, walked outside, and stood in the front yard looking up at the sky. my mother tells me that when i do these things, i do whatever im told to do without hesitation and without a sound, though the only thing she ever told me to do was to go back to bed.

my mother said she saw me standing there, and told me to go back to bed, which i did without a sound. this prompted her to put deadbolt locks on the doors, which i also unlocked in my sleep a few weeks later, and stood in the yard staring at the sky, same as before.

when i was 14 years old, we had moved into the city of dothan, alabama, and we lived in a modest subdivision. we had an alarm system on our house that required a 4 digit number to deactivate. one night i got out of bed, went to the front door, entered the code, turned the deadbolt, and walked outside and stood in the front yard staring at the sky.

the most violent experience i had was when i was 21 years old. i was living in the rural area i spoke of earlier, but not the same house. i had gotten out of bed, and instead of walking out the door, i tried to exit through a window. i disjointed the window (a window measuring 6 feet by 6 feet) from the frame of the house almost completely, bending the metal frame out to about a 30 degree angle from the surface of the wall. i was not able to get outside, and i went back to bed without ever waking up.

since this experience i have not had any more events of this nature. i still sleepwalk, but normally my wife says it is as if i am running from something in my sleep, by the way i talk and act. i have had sleep studies done, but it's hard enough to sleep with all those wires sticking off your head, let alone even trying to get out of bed to sleepwalk.

now, let me be clear, i don't know why these things happened to me, im not saying i was contacted by or had any experiences with aliens, UFO's, or the like, or any government project (to my knowledge)... i would just like to know if any of you here at ATS have had similar experiences, or know people that have. also, i'll give a little about my background : i was adopted, don't know the real parents, led a fairly normal childhood, graduated college, and now im an air traffic controller.

in regards to my first paragraph, like i said, i have always felt like i knew something, but i have never been able to really put my finger on it, or describe what i feel like i know that sounds crazy, i know, but im just letting you guys know how i feel. also, i don't know if these feelings of mine and my sleepwalking are possibly related... thoughts?

in any event, please don't call me a nutjob or anything like that, because i usually approach everything from a logical standpoint, and frankly, i don't know what to think of all this. my wife brought it up to me recently, and my mother did too, and it just got me thinking, and i wanted to share them with you guys to see what you think, and if there is anyone out there that has gone through something similar. thanks for reading, and i look forward to your input. if any of you have any questions of me, feel free to reply or U2U me.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 04:53 AM
My brother was a sleepwalker aswell when we where kids...

He would sometimes get out of bed, sit down on the floor in a position, like the one they do in yoga, with crossed legs.. you know?
Then he would start to try and jump in that was very odd... when he was told to stop and go back to bed he just did without a word.

One time i was playing with my beloved Commodore 64, late at night and he came into my room, stod behind me and said: "will you finish that, I need to take a shower!"...I couldnt help but laugh and he just went back to bed.

We never really took much notice of it at the time, but i find it odd, all the same.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by sandman692

There is a thread similar to this in the Paranormal section. I'm going to suggest the same thing to you that I did to that person.

Contact a sleep disorder clinic. They will have you sleep there, and they will either watch you or video tape you.

Since this has been going on most of your life and you are old enough to be married, you have talked to a Dr. about this at some point, correct?

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 07:00 AM
in response to your post enthralledfan, i've had sleep studies done at sleep disorder clinics. three of them. the only thing they said was that i had sleep apnea, but that it was not tied to my sleepwalking.

ill assume that you know what sleep apnea is, but just in case, here's the medical definition:

Sleep apnea is a condition characterized by episodes of stopped breathing during sleep.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 07:20 AM
Hi sandman. First, thanks for being an ATC. I'm a private pilot. We bitch, but we love you guys.

You have a stressful job and that can have an impact on your current nocturnal activities but obviously not those when you were younger. Have you considered a hypnotherapist? Maybe you have some repressed memories which would account for the vague feeling of knowing something but being unable to articulate what it is.

I have a more-or-less similar 'condition'. For as long as I can remember I've had this powerful but nonspecific sense that something of enormity was going to happen during my lifetime. I have no idea what but the sense I have is that it has nothing to do with me personally, is inevitable, is not going to be particularly pleasant to go through but is somehow necessary. I also have the sense that things will somehow be better afterwards. That's it. I have no idea what it means or where it comes from.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 07:34 AM
hmm, that's strange, i click on "reply to" but the text doesn't pop up... oh well...

anyways, thanks jtma, i appreciate the compliment. ATC can definitely be stressful at times, fortunately im good at it, otherwise it would be completely unbearable
. in regard to your sense, that's how i feel too, but i don't know if it's an event that i will be part of directly or indirectly. i dunno, but at any rate i appreciate your post

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 08:18 AM
You have to click Quote to get the text to show up.

jtma508, I can identify with your having a 'powerful but nonspecific sense that something of enormity is going to happen', but with me, I get the feeling that it will involve me personally. But then again, my feelings are usually way off. If something has been done the exact same way 100 times over, and I predict that it will be done the same again the next time, the universe will change it just to spite me.

I also kind of think that I know something, but then thinking about it a bit more it seems like I am going to discover something. Of course, when you become aware of what you know, then you are discovering it, so to speak, so perhaps that is where that feeling comes from.
But the sleepwalking? No, nothing of the sort. I've been told I snore, but I refuse to believe that.

The incident with the window is a touch creepy, and when you mentioned the house alarm I thought you were going to say that you were never told the code, which would have been very creepy.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by watch_the_rocks

Well, maybe I could have expressed it better. This event, whatever it is, will certainly involve me personally but what I meant was that it wasn't about me or centered on me. That is, it wasn't going to be a personal event but a wide-scale event.

posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by sandman692

My apologize for missing where you said you had sleep studies done already.

Do you ever recall anything at all about the dreams involved when this happens to you? Do you recall any of your dreams at all, for that matter? The reason I am asking is because of you mentioning your wife saying it is like you are running away from something. Have you ever heard of night terrors? I used to have them. While I never found myself outside looking at the sky, I would wake up in different rooms of the house, having no idea how I got there. I also would have no memory of the dreams involved, when I had a night terror. I was on vacation with my sister once, and I woke her up because I was screaming, trying desperately to open the hotel room door. She had to wake me up, even though I was screaming at apparently, the top of my lungs. A person in a room across the hall from ours called security because they thought somebody in our room was being murdered.

What I find strange is that I can recall most of my other dreams, except for the night terrors.

As I have gotten older, they are less frequent, down to maybe only a couple of times a year. I was told by the sleep clinic that I went to it is commen for sleep terrors to lessen as you age, so perhaps yours will dwindle away.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 12:17 AM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by sandman692

Have you ever heard of night terrors?

yeah, im pretty sure that that is what my wife is referring to, but after reading a little more thouroughly about night terrors, i can't seem to find any cases where a person does the things quite like i've done. walking around, running, screaming, and other ambulatory activities seem to be common, but it takes a little more brain activity to undo a deadbolt or punch in a security code.

i've seen court cases where people on trial for murder claim to have killed their victim in their sleep. fortunately, im not this extreme, but i wonder what has to be going on inside a persons head to be able to do these things and simply wake up and not remember...

hmm, maybe ill do a little more looking around

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 01:10 AM

I, too, have felt that something of major import was going to happen within my lifetime. When I first found religion (Christianity), I thought that the Second Coming was the "big thing" that was going to happen; however, I've come to rethink that idea.

Sleepwalking (and other night activities) have happened in my family for generations. Back in the 50's, I believe it was, my father woke up on the living room floor of the neighbors across the street. He also "fights" people in his sleep (Mother didn't sleep with him when she was able to have her own room). I've had lots of experiences, my son has and my daughter.

Recently, I was dreaming that something terrible (apocalyptical) was beginning to happen and I started trying to go out the front door, my thin, cotton on top of my head...broad daylight. I'm so glad my daughter was awake and stopped me!

Oh yeah, and I'm from Alabama, too. Northeast part. Your post was so close to my own feelings and experiences, that I just had to reply to you.

I have some posts that you might want to look up and read. (I don't know if I'm crazy or just highly imaginative, but I do know I try my best to be honest. If something does happen, well then we feel better that we're not crazy, but worse because it happened. Can't win for losing on this one...

Take care,

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 01:29 AM
I remember I used to scream the F word at the top of my lungs for hours in my sleep. I woke the neighbors up once, I was screaming so loud.

posted on Dec, 19 2007 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by FibroKat

Oh yeah, and I'm from Alabama, too. Northeast part. Your post was so close to my own feelings and experiences, that I just had to reply to you.

I have some posts that you might want to look up and read. (I don't know if I'm crazy or just highly imaginative, but I do know I try my best to be honest. If something does happen, well then we feel better that we're not crazy, but worse because it happened. Can't win for losing on this one...

Take care,

what posts are you wanting me to look up? im glad that you replied, i know that im not the only one in the world, much less the ATS boards that have gone through or are going through the same things i am, so it makes me feel good to see people responding to this.

just let me know what posts to look at and i'll take a gander at them.

posted on Dec, 28 2007 @ 01:28 PM
Sorry it took so long for me to reply...Holidays were hectic
! Here's the thread I was referring to:

I'm still not sure about all of my feelings on this...whether I even feel the same way as I did back then. But I won't discount that I did feel that way at the time...strongly enough to post about it, which was hard to do, for me.

Who knows what's going on! It's confusing and sometimes embarrasing to even think about, much less talk about. I do still believe in abduction. I feel that my family and I may have been abducted, but I'm not positive. Just lots of confusing feelings and strange, vague pseudo-memories...I really hate it.

Best of luck with you and your feelings, I really mean's all just so hard to deal with, we need all the help and support we can get.


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