posted on Nov, 26 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by blueyedevil666
TR-3Astra-TR-3Boomerang-TR-3Chameleon-TR-3Dragonfly Transparent, Tri Repell Craft, Repelling Mass, gravity, friction, TR-3A is your Son of the Black
Manta, TR-3B is the U.S. Made ARK, it's 1100ft long and looks like the capital letter V, not a solid triangle like the Astra(DARK STAR #1) Auroura
was the last penetrator, and is now used as Sat recovery and deployment+Repair. The newer TR-3 C-D are mach-50+ craft, they are round, not triangle
shaped, C-D use plasma adaptive camofladge,They dont use MFDs on C-D only repellar fields. Extreme high energy scalar wave blaster's and extreme high
energy partical laser's. payload is 15 new neutron nukes that make the atomics and hydrogens look silly and weak, they dont knock anything down, but
they kill everything even the roach. They dont want you to know that neutronic propulsion is used over the U.S.A., no nukes flying over the U.S.
extreme high energy sonic's (sonic switch) is used as propulsion or brake.
Most of the time you dont see them even thou their there right in front of you. You see them when they have lost their charge, must have taken a hit
from the grey's during a battle, or just glitch in main frame SC. You do know we have been at war with the gray for a long time now, hard to believe
but its fact.Possitive-negetive are universal + - good-evil. Home base for Tri repell Craft is Area-53 woomeera desert australia, home to 3 giant NOTE
craft ARK's and 128 NORTE craft( disc's of various sizes and shapes. The last Ark was moved from A-51 groomlake and towed over Arizona to it's
final resting place with the 2 other ARK's, they are 3/4 of a mile long apiece, they are not made of wood( Barrellium) Barrell titanium mix, seeing
we have tampered with them so much, we dont think they will operate when the time comes before 2010-12, so we built our own ARK, it's the
TR-3Boomerang, or TR-3B, it leaves this planet in worst case scenario's( comet impact) astroid impact)(nuclear strike and winter) it returns to this
once fine planet when planet permits, seeing it was made by U.S. and Australian, its name is perfect. It has left this planet 3 months ago, might be
testing, who knows. All at 53 is overseen from Area-52 Pine Gap, home to this planets most powerful super computers( TR-3-TR-4-TR-5) Tesla Research
Group-Boeing PhantomWorks joint venture, now Loockeed is involved also. The older platforms being the TR-3Astra will police this planet from the Air,
welcome to the NWO.