posted on Dec, 18 2007 @ 09:05 PM
To all who have responded, i genuinely appreciate the feed back and realize to many that this may seem i like i'm being a tad superstitious.
Our house flooded, It stuffed our carpet and a lot of furniture umong other things like some photos, shoes ect.... we had to move out for over two
weeks, and the after effects is still going. I had a health issue (i'm gonna be fine). my son chipped a chuck out of his tooth, one of our computer
screens blew up, the garbage truck drove over our bin and now we cant wheel it anywhere,(we live up a steep driveway). and many other silly little
These are all things we will/can deal with, but it all happened in less than a week, and started when we completed a stucture change to side of our
So it may be that im just being superstitcious but it feels kind of like a spiralling effect even though i'm trying not to think this way and be
positive, like i was three weeks ago. Anyhow things could be worse, and i know this to be true from past episodes. Thanks all nuts.