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is spacecamp covering up stuff too?

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posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 03:26 PM
well when i was in fourth grade, about 9 or 10 years ago, i went to space camp. yeah, yeah i know it's nerdy but i thought it was awesome... anyway though, on the last night there were supposed to be fire works to celebrate the week there, but they got canceled "due to rain." the thing that has always bothered me are 1) it was a clear night and 2) when we got into our rooms we all had to go to bed, and this was at like 8 or 9...

now for the part on how this all ties into sightings. on my way into the dorm i looked up, expecting to see clouds and everything, but as i said it was clear. also, i saw these two bright lights, really high up, moving incredibly fast. they were at near opposite spots in the sky, and moved at about a 45 degree angle to each other. when they hit each other then they went in a straight line, with a light trail (for lack of a better description) that was left behind for a few seconds.

so i was wondering, would space camp know anything about this? i know it's run by nasa, but that would be an awful lot of people involved... i was at the huntsville, alabama, one also. so yeah, that's my sighting.

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 03:31 PM

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 03:33 PM
hell yeah it did! i went twice... the second time was in 6th grade.

... i wanted to go again in 8th, but my parents thought i had had enough

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 03:38 PM
That does seem strange that you were sent to your rooms at that time something must have been up for them to do that you should have told your parents at that time and have them question it. I took my grandson to space camp in Florida a month before they closed it there at lot of parents were upset they were closing it didn't make sense. There were 3 space camps one in California, Florida at the Center and in Alabama. The kids from California now had to fly into Kennedy since that area was closed which made parents upset but they thought well at least we can take a weeks vacation and visit Disney only then to find out that it was the last season there and the only one left to be open in Alabama. We all thought why would they leave the one in Alabama open they should close that one and leave space camp at Kennedy because that is where all the space programs should be
On the last night my grandson and the kids weren't sent to there rooms early they had a big celebration.

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
well when i was in fourth grade, about 9 or 10 years ago, i went to space camp. yeah, yeah i know it's nerdy but i thought it was awesome... anyway though, on the last night there were supposed to be fire works to celebrate the week there, but they got canceled "due to rain." the thing that has always bothered me are 1) it was a clear night and 2) when we got into our rooms we all had to go to bed, and this was at like 8 or 9...

now for the part on how this all ties into sightings. on my way into the dorm i looked up, expecting to see clouds and everything, but as i said it was clear. also, i saw these two bright lights, really high up, moving incredibly fast. they were at near opposite spots in the sky, and moved at about a 45 degree angle to each other. when they hit each other then they went in a straight line, with a light trail (for lack of a better description) that was left behind for a few seconds.

so i was wondering, would space camp know anything about this? i know it's run by nasa, but that would be an awful lot of people involved... i was at the huntsville, alabama, one also. so yeah, that's my sighting.

Here is what Cassiopaeans had to say on this. This is a piece of a transcript with them.
Q: (LA) I was thinking about the Space Camp thing I attended with my son. Did anything happen to the
kids there?
A: Such programs are precursors to deeper black projects. Avoid at all costs. Also there are many other
such portals in your life.
Q: (S) Oh my god! My son J** went to space camp. (SB to LA) I went to a camp too. Did you go to a
camp? (LA) NASA puts on a Space Camp for the kids. I went as a chaperone. (SB) The one I went to was
sponsored by the state of Georgia but it was called Exploration Camp and the second year I don't remember
A: Read Dolan and use your imagination to perceive just how such programs can be utilized. Just knowing
the capabilities that you suspect with good reason regarding Flight 77, should give you some concept of
how the Consortium operates. Imagine a "group" going to Space Camp on board that plane. Handy, eh?
Q: (L) So that's how they select out, maybe program, get them set up, have all kinds of groups ready and
set up to be prepared to utilize at any point and time. Next question, or are we all getting depressed?
(LA) You can tell huh? (SB) That's an understatement.

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:01 PM
I seriously doubt Space Camp is covering up anything itself. Though since its at least affiliated with our public space program if not wholly owned by it (I don't know the details), I'm sure that anybody that goes there is not getting half the story of what goes on in orbit around our planet.

UFO sightings can happen anywhere at any time. Chances are that some will be near Space Camp. That doesn't mean it has anything at all to do with the camp itself knowing about or covering it up.

[Edited on 7-2-2004 by heelstone]

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:07 PM
yeah, i know sightings can occur at anytime or anywhere... i just thought it was odd.

Origannly posted by observe50

That does seem strange that you were sent to your rooms at that time something must have been up for them to do that you should have told your parents at that time and have them question it.

i never did say anything because my dad has always looked down on things like that. he would have just said it was an airplane and that there was probably a good reason for them sending us in.

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:36 PM
They really pulled one off didn't they where is flight 77 as they say.
Americans just watch the pictures on TV and believe what the news tell them but the evidence the missile and the remote controlled F16 sneaky.

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by observe50
They really pulled one off didn't they where is flight 77 as they say.
Americans just watch the pictures on TV and believe what the news tell them but the evidence the missile and the remote controlled F16 sneaky.

yeah, that made no sense to me. sorry. could you clarify it some more, please?

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 06:46 PM
Was the plane that was accused of crashing into the Pentagon on 9/11 but people inverigating it says it doesn't add up and from what I read they are right Americans had a good one pulled on them. Tpye in flight 77 in your url you will find sites there very interesting.
Our government sure thinks we are all stupid and that they are so cleaver.

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 06:50 PM
I never got to go to space camp......

I dont think they knew about alien aircraft or w/e it was that you saw, but thats still odd......

posted on Feb, 7 2004 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by observe50
Was the plane that was accused of crashing into the Pentagon on 9/11 but people inverigating it says it doesn't add up and from what I read they are right Americans had a good one pulled on them. Tpye in flight 77 in your url you will find sites there very interesting.
Our government sure thinks we are all stupid and that they are so cleaver.

i see. i really believe that a plane did crash into it. tons of people saw the plane fly into it. plus, how do you the plane with all it's passengers just disappear? i think that that whole aspect of the terrorist attacks are bogus. no offense, i'm not saying you're wrong or anything. i don't think we'll ever know what really happened. i just choose the plane


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