posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 01:34 PM
DEEP BRAIN STIMULATION is detrimental when the brain has been injured. The procedure may spark a level of coherence but it wears off. Then, you'd
have to get it again. You can't keep doing that to the brain in such a condition.
I also wouldn't use it on COMA patients. First off, a coma patient isn't NON FUNCTIONING. The person is just ASLEEP. BRAIN SLEEP...not BRAIN DEAD.
Show me a coma patient and I'll show you simply the extreme end result of CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME.
The best candidate for DBS would be the TRULY brain dead. No brain pulse. Nada. Why? Because a deep brain stimulus would be like throwing the MAIN
SWITCH in the FUSE BOX to the brain. Other words, it's a JUMPSTART from a highly charged BATTERY to a LOWLY charged battery.