posted on Dec, 21 2007 @ 03:20 AM
This topic has been something that I have started questioning recently. Especially when they started coming out with the vaccine that claims to
protect you from getting two of the known HPV strands known to cause cancer out of the near 100. I asked the woman who was the spokesperson for the
company how long the vaccine had been tested, and she said less than five years. That really bothered me. What was even worse is that I asked her if
she could, would she use it, and she said no........ WTF? And this is something we are encouraged to give to our young daughters and the woman
informing us on the product wouldn't do it for herself!? Madness. But I digress, what I am getting at, is that I wonder if there is something more to
these types of vaccines and even the more broad/required ones.
I wonder what they could be putting in us, maybe we are already chipped and don't even know it
Come to think of it, that Tetanus shot did leave a bump in my arm.
[edit on 21-12-2007 by leira7]