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How do you sort your strange beliefs?

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posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 02:43 PM
When it comes to all of the strange ideas floating about this website, I try to keep an open mind. I've had some experiences that let me know that our normal definition of reality doesn't adequately describe everything that exists. But I also remember being seduced by some of the prophetic material coming from various sources saying that profound changes to our world would occur in the last few years of the previous century. When it didn't happen, I vowed to increase my level of skepticism, but to still keep my mind open.

My believe system has a series of "shelves" which range from "I'm sure it's true" to "I'm sure it's not true". I've put almost nothing on the two extreme shelves. On the "I'm sure it's true" shelf, I placed the idea that many people have seen legitimate UFOs because I witnessed an undeniable UFO in India 20 years ago. Of course I'm not sure that the UFO was guided by non-humans.

On the "I'm sure it's not true" shelf, I've put the Christian belief in the Rapture (for reasons I won't go into right now).

The idea that Queen Elizabeth is a shape-shifting reptilian sits on my "highly-unlikely" shelf, while the alien abduction scenario sits on my "highly-likely" shelf, as does the idea that 9/11 was an inside job.

The 2012 Big Changes idea is sitting on my "unlikely" shelf.

So how do you organize the array of strange ideas expressed on this web-site?

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 03:56 PM
Strange Beliefs.......

Well, I don't have any strange beliefs.
I have opinions on many mysterious subjects which require some factual spark of possibility sourced from many opinions posted on these forums and maybe evidence submitted on other independant websites.

The search for granite hard facts supported by science and parascientific researchers is important in the quest for the truth.
Truth is a labyrinth with blind allys and dead ends. Truth is in the mind of the individual. The truth is hard to find in many cases.
Open mindedness is an important factor. A closed mind has no route to explore.
Your 'shelves' may help you to build a profile of the Positive,negative & neutral but what of the margins between.?

My system consists of traffic signals. Red - amber - flashing amber- green.
If you consider this system (mentally) the pauses between each successive signal must be acknowledged as a blur or possible void unexplored as yet.
As you progress these shelves may be gathering dust due to lack of evidence or new information.
Other shelves may show signs of rot -[zero progress or static thought]

Ideally we should evolve with new theories and maybe evidence, but after decades of waiting for disclosure in certain subjects we may give up and dust off that grubby old shelf.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Strange Beliefs, indeed!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 05:51 PM
Life is as such. No matter what you have to say there will be someone else trying to discredit it and saying that their views are truth. This is merely a trait of human nature, but I believe the intentions of people at a higher level of power would be to flood the media with this dichotomy so it's nearly impossible to discern the truth. You pretty much have to take everything you experience with a grain of salt.

Like Yoda says: "Hard to see, the dark side is."

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 05:56 PM
Confusion Vs Clarity
Negitive Vs Positive (objectivly)
Dark Vs Light
Lies Vs Truth

Anything that is aimed as an attack onto another member of the human race is evil chaos thinking.

Anything that holds to the universal truths of peace in oneness (if obtained in unbiased and objective view) is good thinking.

Check out "Urantia Book"!

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 05:58 PM
reply to post by Incarnated

A mind/spirit free of confusion and chaos and a soul that truely seeks after union with its creator sees the truth in all things.

[edit on 15-12-2007 by Incarnated]

posted on Dec, 15 2007 @ 06:47 PM
Follow your heart. Trust your intuition. Just be yourself, no matter who you are.

Everything in life seems so intense right now. I base my beliefs on scientific proof and alternative research. I trust the individual more than the follower.

I was never a spiritual person before this year, just to show how much I believe in what has been provided to us to prepare for the future and live a better life in general. I use my natural thought patterns to discern fake from real and it works.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 12:52 AM
Rational gaze?

Originally posted by rationalgaze
Follow your heart. Trust your intuition. Just be yourself, no matter who you are.

I use my natural thought patterns to discern fake from real and it works.

This is the royal road to self-delusion, ignorance and confusion.

The way to the truth is:

  1. Trust the evidence of your senses.

  2. Test all your ideas against the evidence of your senses.

  3. Continually test new sensory evidence against old sensory evidence.

  4. Continually test new ideas to see whether they agree with earlier ideas derived from the evidence of your senses.

  5. Test sensory evidence and ideas for falsity, not truth.

  6. Always remember that there is a slight possibility that you are wrong, but don't give that possibility more credence than it's worth.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 12:57 AM

Originally posted by droid56

My believe system has a series of "shelves" which range from "I'm sure it's true" to "I'm sure it's not true". I've put almost nothing on the two extreme shelves. On the "I'm sure it's true" shelf, I placed the idea that many people have seen legitimate UFOs because I witnessed an undeniable UFO in India 20 years ago. Of course I'm not sure that the UFO was guided by non-humans.

Well put. I pretty much organize my thoughts in the same manner. Not many universal truths and not many universal lies. Although, I am generally more skeptical so most things are on the lower "disbelief" shelves.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 01:13 AM
I'm not sure I've necessarly compartamentalized my beliefs the way you are suggesting. Now, there are some things that I believe which I view to be more likely than others, but I haven't really put them on a 1-10 scale, with 1 being the most likely, like you are suggesting.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 01:37 AM
I put things on a probability scale. For example: Alien UFOs, high probability. Royal blood reptilian shapeshifters, low probability (but still a possibility).

I figure with enough pieces of the puzzle (knowledge) we'll start to get a clearer picture of what is real and what isn't.

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 01:39 AM
Things which I view as having too low of a probability, such as the rapture and reptilians, I typically don't believe in at all. So, I guess I really don't have to compartamentalize my beliefs lik ethe OP is suggesting..

posted on Dec, 16 2007 @ 04:42 AM
reply to post by droid56

It's quite simple, actually: I do not consider my beliefs "strange. ; )

What I DO find highly "strange", and I am not saying this just to be 'funny', is the firm belief that many people seem to have, that the world is limited to what they perceive with their very limited senses.

P.S. My only "belief" in life is my motto: I DON'T KNOW.

Highly recommended to everyone!

[edit on 16-12-2007 by Vanitas]

posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 10:53 AM

The way to the truth is:

  • Trust the evidence of your senses.

  • What? Why on earth should anyone do that?

    Let me put it this way: where is the evidence that the senses can be trusted in matters that clearly transcend the sensory?

    (Oh, there ARE such matters - aplenty! If somebody cannot perceive them, it's not because they don't exist; music exists even though deaf people cannot hear it; and colours exist even though blind people cannot see them.)

    [edit on 17-12-2007 by Vanitas]

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