posted on Dec, 17 2007 @ 11:29 AM
That doesnt suprise me at all about the phone poll, they have to spin it to their favor. MSM attacking him, other candidates attacking him, it makes
me mad, but it also makes me happy. If he wasnt a threat, they wouldnt attack him, they cannot smear him due to the fact he doesnt have the huge
assortments of skeletons in his closet the other candidates have. So in turn, they resort to petty personal attacks, or saying when he wins a poll
that hackers screwed with the system.
In the begining of this race I had my doubts about any conspiracy going on, but now it should be clear that something just isnt right, I smell a
rat. Over six million dollars were raised for Dr. Pauls campaign, and what headlines were on fox news? The same old crap, some black guy turning
white, pop tarts, and fear mongering. I am sorry but that is big news in my opinion he smashed the one day donation record, and the average donation
was $95.00. It makes me mad, but it also makes me happy, if they are so intent on smearing a guy who's record is pretty much flawless, that just
tells me right there I am on the right track. This from we the people telling the elites we are still here and we arent going away, the time to
return our power is now, your time is done, we are taking our country back.